The Rabbit Rabbit graphic

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The Rabbit is sociable, humble, sensitive, and artistic. They are complex characters and often have great foresight and intuition. They are said to be born to live a fortunate life. The Rabbit is a symbol of immortality because of its association with fertility.

Rabbits prefer quiet lives and enjoy good meals, listening to classical music, or discussing history or art. The Rabbit is cunning and seizes all opportunities. They don't adjust well to change and are slow to make decisions.

Rabbits dislike confrontation and unpleasantness of any sort. Their homes are very important to them. They are loving parents, but they won't take any nonsense!

Rabbits are good teachers, doctors, counsellors, and lawyers. They enjoy working with children and animals and find charitable work especially rewarding.

The Rabbit is sensitive and generous with an imaginative outlook. The Rabbit strives for harmony with its environment for its greatest happiness.


Strengths: Those born in the Year of the Rabbit are imaginative, generous, tranquil, and virtuous.
Weaknesses: They can be melancholy, resist change, and can be sarcastic.


Best: Ram, Pig, Dog
Next: Tiger, Snake, Horse,
Least: Dragon, Rat, Rooster  

Other Animal Years

Each of the twelve animal years can affect you. Focus on the year's positive aspects and take care when faced with its negative aspects.

Year of the Dog (Jan. 29, 2006 to Feb. 17, 2007)

Year of the Snake

Year of the Horse

Year of the Monkey

Additional Influences

Your animal sign reveals the greatest information about your character and what you can expect. However there are other influences that have a modifying influence. Here are a few:

Chinese Hour of Birth
An "extra" reading that provides additional general information.
Western Astrology
Curious about how Western Astrology impacts your animal sign?

Rabbit Years

January 29, 1903 to February 15, 1904
February 14, 1915 to February 2, 1916
February 2, 1927 to January 22, 1928
February 19, 1939 to February 7, 1940
February 6, 1951 to January 26, 1952
January 25, 1963 to February 12, 1964
February 11, 1975 to January 30, 1976
January 29, 1987 to February 16, 1988
February 16, 1999 to February 4, 2000
February 3, 2011 to January 22, 2012

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Chinese Horoscope Options:
|Main Chinese Horoscope Page| |60 Year Cycle & Yin and Yang| |Chinese Hour of Birth|
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Background, buttons, and bars are from Mitzi's page.
Dwnn's red cap is a gift from the KrAzY KeLLy KaTz!!!
Animal graphics are from Art Today.
Used with permission.

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Last updated on 31 January 2006.

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