Now! Especially commissioned for Tao of Meow! The opening sequence of the "Al Dente" Movement from Clyde's Harp Concerto arranged by Lady Gertrude Dainty Paws copyright©ClydeSight2.0! - 2001 Don't miss CATZILLA IV now playing at Clyde Cinema! As Master Dwnn strolls the corridors of the great Hall of Teaching, he speaks to the scholars saying, "Taoism and Confucianism are often seen as as being somehow related. Both developed in response to political, social, and philosophical conditions over two millennia ago. Yet there are great differences." "Lao Tzu wrote down his thoughts; he was not a teacher. Confucius was a gifted teacher who conveyed much of his wisdom directly -- orally -- to his students who then recorded what Confucius said. Taoism has a very mystical character and is strongly influenced by nature. Confucianism shows a great concern with social relationships, right conduct, and the structure of society." The scholars are pleased to hear this for they are greatly interested in feline relationships and behavior. Master Dwnn continues, "Let us consider many things that Confucius did say." Those who when young show no respect to their elders achieve nothing worth mentioning when they grow up. And merely to live on, getting older and older, is to be a useless pest. Lead the people by governmental measures and keep order by laws and punishments, and they will try to avoid them, and will lose all self-respect. Lead them by virtue and keep order by the rules of propriety, and they will keep their self-respect and set themselves right. A gentleman helps out the needy; he does not make the rich richer still. ~~~~~ I once spent a whole day without food and a whole night without sleep, in order to meditate. It was no use. It is better to learn. Even when walking in a party of no more than three I can always be certain of learning from those I am with. There will be good qualities that I can select for emulation and bad ones that will teach me what requires correction in myself. The thought that I have not properly cultivated virtue, that what is learned has not been thoroughly discussed, that knowing what is right I have not moved toward it, that what is wrong I have not been able to change ---these are the things which bother me. The scholars begin to mew excitedly among themselves. Surely there is much wisdom here albeit quite different from what they have been accustomed to thinking about Confucius! Options: |Tao of Meow Main Page| |Chinese Horoscopes| |Basic Feline Ninja| |Advanced Feline Ninja| |Teachings of Lao Tzu| |Teachings of Confucius| |Folklore and Legends| |Meditation for Humans| Meet the Ashram Staff Mitzi made the background, buttons,and bars. Visit Mitzi's page. Master Dwnn's robe is courtesy of the Royal Artist at dorissimo's domain. Please report broken links or send comments to: The Wicked Twins ( Copyright © 2000, 2001 by Daphne Schor. All rights reserved.
"Lao Tzu wrote down his thoughts; he was not a teacher. Confucius was a gifted teacher who conveyed much of his wisdom directly -- orally -- to his students who then recorded what Confucius said. Taoism has a very mystical character and is strongly influenced by nature. Confucianism shows a great concern with social relationships, right conduct, and the structure of society."
The scholars are pleased to hear this for they are greatly interested in feline relationships and behavior. Master Dwnn continues, "Let us consider many things that Confucius did say."
Those who when young show no respect to their elders achieve nothing worth mentioning when they grow up. And merely to live on, getting older and older, is to be a useless pest.
Lead the people by governmental measures and keep order by laws and punishments, and they will try to avoid them, and will lose all self-respect. Lead them by virtue and keep order by the rules of propriety, and they will keep their self-respect and set themselves right.
A gentleman helps out the needy; he does not make the rich richer still.
I once spent a whole day without food and a whole night without sleep, in order to meditate. It was no use. It is better to learn.
Even when walking in a party of no more than three I can always be certain of learning from those I am with. There will be good qualities that I can select for emulation and bad ones that will teach me what requires correction in myself.
The thought that I have not properly cultivated virtue, that what is learned has not been thoroughly discussed, that knowing what is right I have not moved toward it, that what is wrong I have not been able to change ---these are the things which bother me.
The scholars begin to mew excitedly among themselves. Surely there is much wisdom here albeit quite different from what they have been accustomed to thinking about Confucius!
Copyright © 2000, 2001 by Daphne Schor. All rights reserved.