The Horse Horse graphic

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The Horse is sociable, energetic, smart, and strong-willed. Horses can be easily distracted and become bored quite easily. They feel they are right on every issue and can be bossy. Enthusiastic, restless, independent, and frustrated, the Horse is quick to take up a new challenge. They are vain, have a highly developed - and original - sense of humor, and make snap decisions.

Most Horses are agressive and don't plan for their old age. They make good soldiers but poor diplomats (too outspoken). The Horse is dependable, helpful, and trustworthy and expects the same from others.

Do not interfere in a Horse's private life; you might get kicked. Love is difficult for Horses. They fall in love too easily and too often. They are stubborn and can be intolerant of their partner's feelings. Horses fall in love easily and take broken romances hard. They may have several broken marriages. Horses tend not to find the "right one" until the latter part of life.

Horses' careers are often in exploration, invention, management, and acting. They make good builders, crafters, and engineers. They will work long and hard to finish a project.

The Horse is gregarious and loyal with many friends. Yet few will know the Horse's deeper feelings.


Strengths: Those born in the Year of the Horse are loyal, cheerful, talented, and independent.
Weaknesses: They are easily angered, talk too much, and don't listen to advice.


Best: Tiger, Dog, Ram
Next: Dragon, Snake, Monkey, Rooster, Pig
Least: Rat, Ox, Rabbit, Horse  


Horse is a yang sign and is associated with red, the color of good fortune, bitter foods, and the emotion Joy.

Other Animal Years

Each of the twelve animal years can affect you. Focus on the year's positive aspects and take care when faced with its negative aspects.

Year of the Dog (Jan. 29, 2006 to Feb. 17, 2007)

Year of the Snake

Year of the Horse

Year of the Monkey

Additional Influences

Your animal sign reveals the greatest information about your character and what you can expect. However there are other influences that have a modifying influence. Here are a few:

Chinese Hour of Birth
An "extra" reading that provides additional general information.
Western Astrology
Curious about how Western Astrology impacts your animal sign?

Horse Years

January 25, 1906 to February 12, 1907
February 11, 1918 to January 31, 1919
January 30, 1930 to February 16, 1931
January 18, 1942 to February 4, 1943
February 3, 1954 to January 23, 1955
January 21, 1966 to February 8, 1967
February 7, 1978 to January 27, 1979
January 27, 1990 to February 14, 1991
February 21, 2002 to January 31, 2003
January 31, 2014 to February 18, 2015

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Chinese Horoscope Options:
|Main Chinese Horoscope Page| |60 Year Cycle & Yin and Yang| |Chinese Hour of Birth|
|Rat| |Ox| |Tiger| |Rabbit| |Dragon| |Snake| |Horse| |Ram| |Monkey| |Rooster| |Dog| |Pig|

Tao of Meow Options:
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Background, buttons, and bars are from Mitzi's page.
Dwnn's red cap is a gift from the KrAzY KeLLy KaTz!!!
Animal graphics are from Art Today.
Used with permission.

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to The Wicked Twins.

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Last updated on 31 January 2006.

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