Pig graphic The Pig

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The Pig is sincere, tolerant, easy-going, loving, generous, honest, good company, and will take time to listen to another's problem. They make few enemies, but can be hot-tempered and go into rages when crossed. Pigs respond to flattery, and can be tricked by those who use this technique to dupe them. Pigs are country and garden lovers, love history and tradition, and are conservative thinkers. Pigs are fun-loving and hard-working. They enjoy good company but don't like large crowds.

Home life matters to a Pig. They love their families, and they are practical around the house. Pigs like a clean, orderly, and tidy place to live. Pigs are very popular with the opposite sex, and they fall in love easily. They are sensual and love with passion and intensity. A Pig works hard to please loved ones.

Pigs do well in careers that put them in the spotlight or gives a chance to receive applause. They do well in theater, films, and TV. They are also good at fundraising for charities. Pigs prefer to live outside cities.

The Pig is calm and tolerant. It does well with others and in many environments.


Positive: Those born in the Year of the Pig are tolerant, honest, quiet, loyal, and romantic.
Negative: They are short-tempered, limited in knowledge, and won't seek outside help.


Most: Rabbit, Ram
Next: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Horse, Dog
Least: Snake, Monkey, Pig 

Other Animal Years

Each of the twelve animal years can affect you. Focus on the year's positive aspects and take care when faced with its negative aspects.

Year of the Dog (Jan. 29, 2006 to Feb. 17, 2007)

Year of the Snake

Year of the Horse

Year of the Monkey

This will be a difficult year, but you should approach it with optimism and a sense of well-being that your calm and tolerant Pig qualities will see you through. Family life will be pleasant and rewarding.


Your animal sign reveals the greatest information about your character and what you can expect. However there are other influences that have a modifying influence. Here are a few:

Chinese Hour of Birth
An "extra" reading that provides additional general information.
Western Astrology
Curious about how Western Astrology impacts your animal sign?

Pig Years

January 30, 1911 to February 17, 1912
February 16, 1923 to February 4, 1924
February 4, 1935 to January 23, 1936
January 22, 1947 to February 9, 1948
February 8, 1959 to January 27, 1960
January 27, 1971 to February 14, 1972
February 13, 1983 to February 1, 1984
January 31, 1995 to February 18, 1996
February 18, 2007 to February 6, 2008

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Chinese Horoscope Options:
|Main Chinese Horoscope Page| |60 Year Cycle & Yin and Yang| |Chinese Hour of Birth|
|Rat| |Ox| |Tiger| |Rabbit| |Dragon| |Snake| |Horse| |Ram| |Monkey| |Rooster| |Dog| |Pig|

Tao of Meow Options:
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Background, buttons, and bars are from Mitzi's page.
Dwnn's red cap is a gift from the KrAzY KeLLy KaTz!!!
Animal graphics are from Art Today.
Used with permission.

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Last updated on 31 January 2006.

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