Dwnn's Overview:
Year of the Monkey
Chinese Horoscope Zodiac Wheel

General outlook for the Year of the Monkey:

Master Dwnn is ready to enlighten you Those who love adventure and novelty will especially enjoy this year while those who prefer tranquillity and conventionality will feel discomforted. It is a year of great excitement; a year in which we must expect the unexpected.

It is a year in which the fast-talking and quick-witted thrive. There is an upbeat atmosphere to the Monkey year with many new and unusual things happening. This will be a pretty good year for most with lots of laughs along the way.

Year of the Monkey outlook for:

|Rat| |Ox| |Tiger| |Rabbit| |Dragon| |Snake| |Horse| |Ram| |Monkey| |Rooster| |Dog| |Pig| 

Don't know your animal sign? Check this table.


The fertile imagination of the Rat has many opportunities for adventure in this Monkey Year (the Rat and the Monkey are great friends). Social life is active, and romance is in the air. You could make a bit of money this year as well as having a good time.
Full horoscope reading for Rat.
Back to individual animals in Year of Monkey list.


The Ox temperament finds the Monkey Year very trying because nothing can be taken for granted. Yet this is a good year for the patient Ox who should not be put off by the frivolity of others.

Your common sense and practicality will enable you to achieve honors and recognition as success and good fortune make themselves yours in a Monkey Year. You will enjoy this year the most if you celebrate your many successes with your family.
Full horoscope reading for Ox.
Back to individual animals in Year of Monkey list.


You will experience many trials as well as opportunities this year. Remain calm: nothing can be achieved if you are upset. Despite some financial hurdles, you will find much scope for success. You should be able to make progess and have a reasonably good year. Many friends will be willing to listen to your ideas, but it isn't a good year for entering into partnerships. Be cautious.
Full horoscope reading for Tiger.
Back to individual animals in Year of Monkey list.


After several successful years, this us a year of mixed results. The early months are likely to be frustrating, but things improve by year's end. A bit of risk-taking might succeed, but finances could be strained. Don't exceed your limits. It might be wise for the Rabbit to remain underground this year!
Full horoscope reading for Rabbit.
Back to individual animals in Year of Monkey list.


This year has an unpredictable quality, but the vibrant, charismatic Dragon doesn't mind that. What you do have to consider is that a Horse year could swing your future widely in one direction or another. This is likely to be a year of considerable difficulty for you, and it could involve a death in the family.

While the negative elements may cause you to feel unsettled, keep your path in mind and stay the course.
Full horoscope reading for Dragon.
Back to individual animals in Year of Monkey list.


Your personal life is likely to take second place to your work life this year. You are likely to find yourself putting in many extra hours on the job. You will often feel misunderstood.

Serious changes caused by financial difficulties and ill health could occur. Use caution and keep all your dealings above board.
Full horoscope reading for Snake.
Back to individual animals in Year of Monkey list.


This is a very good year for the Horse with many possibilities for expansion in all directions. Seize the opportunities quickly, and make the most of them. New plans put into motion will flourish and meet with approval.

Ill health could be a problem but shouldn't prevent your success. Careful you don't upset the status quo in your personal relationships!
Full horoscope reading for Horse.
Back to individual animals in Year of Monkey list.


This will be a very active social year for the Ram. You can expect to enjoy yourself greatly at the many social events to which you are invited.

This is a year of positivity, celebration, and happiness. Expect great fun and success.
Full horoscope reading for Ram.
Back to individual animals in Year of Monkey list.


Monkeys will enjoy the fast pace of events during this Horse year but should be warned to moderate over-confidence and impulsiveness.

A variety of trials and tribulations will pursue you this year, and will give you a lot of difficulty. However, opportunities are there if you look for them. Keep calm, use caution, and you'll get by.
Full horoscope reading for Monkey.
Back to individual animals in Year of Monkey list.


This will be a demanding year in many aspects of your life. There will be many ups and downs. Romantic liaisons and family life will suffer from these volatile influences.

Keep yourself under control and don't give in to anger or resentment as that will only make matters worse. Take a good look at yourself, work to correct your faults, and you will find a bit of fun and have the year end on a positive note.
Full horoscope reading for Rooster.
Back to individual animals in Year of Monkey list.


This will be a busy year for you. At times you will be puzzled by affairs of the heart because others don't seem to understand your motives. Many difficulties could be experienced in your family life.

You can escape family problems by concentrating on your career where you will have an easier time of it. You will find success professionally and have some financial success, too.
Full horoscope reading for Dog.
Back to individual animals in Year of Monkey list.


You may feel that you should have done more to maximize the opportunities you had last year, but don't be hard on yourself. Use this year to recoup some past losses and to make steady headway.

This will be a difficult year, but you should approach it with optimism and a sense of well-being that your calm and tolerant Pig qualities will see you through. Family life will be pleasant and rewarding.
Full horoscope reading for Pig.
Back to individual animals in Year of Monkey list.

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