Teachings of Sun Tzu, continued

Taliesin observes weakness of opponent
In ancient times skillful warriors first made themselves invincible and then watched for vulnerability in their opponents.
This tactic, practiced by all cats, is the secret of attaining total mastery of the domestic situation. First one must know oneself: self-centered, greedy, and manipulative; this makes one invincible. Waiting for vulnerability means knowing humans: dependent, needy, pushovers.

It does not take much strength to lift a hair, it does not take sharp eyes to see the sun and moon, it does not take sharp ears to hear a thunderclap.
If everyone knows it, it cannot be called wisdom. It is not good to win victory over others by forced battle. Instead, be subtle in your approach, extend your power in increments. Your human will not realize that a contest is being waged and will not resist.

Therefore the victories of good warriors are not noted for cleverness or bravery.
Great wisdom is not obvious. You can see the subtle so it is easy to win. You will encounter no opposition from those who look for bravery and cleverness. When there is victory without battle, who speaks of bravery?

Continue to Chapter 5 or review material in Chapter 1, Chapter 2, or Chapter 3.

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Last updated on 28 June 2000.