Those who skillfully move opponents make formations that opponents are sure to follow. They move opponents with the prospect of gain, waiting for them in ambush.
Good warriors seek effectiveness in battle from the force of momentum. When people are skillfully led into battle, the momentum is like that of round rocks rolling down a high mountain -- this is energy.
Your human is sure to follow if you appear to be quietly moving about in an expected, approved manner. Humans are moved by the prospect of an advantage; let them anticipate its achievement. Then position yourself to overtake from the position of a surprise ambush.
To summarize: you win.
These five lessons seem difficult at first, we know, but diligence will enable you to understand the concepts and master the skills. There are thirteen chapters in Sun Tzu's book, so our work is not finished. The path of ninja is a lifetime of study and practice.
Copyright © 1998-2000 by Daphne Schor. All rights reserved.