What kills the enemy is anger, what gets the enemy's goods is reward.
This is called overcoming the opponent and increasing your strength to boot.
You won just as you planned. Don't gloat, people hate that. Instead, return to your position of altitude and plan the strategy for your next campaign.
Continue to Chapter 3 or review the commentary in Chapter 1.
Stealing food or convincing a human that it has become inedible, creates anger which "kills" the person's appetite or the will to resist the cat's demands. Whether the person gives you the food or throws it away -- perhaps even scolding you! -- is a result of the reward your human companion expects to receive from you.
Be affectionate, not arrogant, in soliciting food. Be generous with purrs and head bumps when you are given your person's dinner.
Copyright © 1998-2000 by Daphne Schor. All rights reserved.