The Wicked Twins, Dwnn and Taliesin, have made a lifelong study of Tao and practice meditation-napping on an hourly basis. They were taught Feline Ninja techniques by the late Sensei Sass A. Frass who named them valedictorians of his ninja students. Each Twin holds a Doctor of Feline Studies degree from CLAW University where they taught the "Becoming a Hotmail Hotshot" course. Each holds rank: Duke of CLAW.
They are editors of The Cat's Meow Club Mews, a monthly newszine and leaders of The Folklore Society and the Backyard Birding Guild of The Cat's Meow Club.
They are active members of the Back Fence Cat Club, a social club, where they enjoy meeting furriends and sampling the catsparilla at the Trail's End Bar.
They explain themselves:
We really are Twins, and we really are "wicked." Being twins just happened, but we work night and day at being wicked. Our purrson says we're naughty, but we're just doing our job. Those curtains were awful, or we wouldn't have pulled them down. The reading chair is much more attractive now that we've clawed it a bit. It's basic Feng Shui!
Their favorite quotation from the Tao Te Ching is, "Practice not-doing, and everything will fall into place."

Tommye, Folklorist-in-Residence, is
Storyteller Extraordinaire and
Traditional Studies Guru at Tao of Meow

Widgy, gourmand and renowned
Meditation Guru, teaches
Meditation fur Hoomins at Tao of Meow
Dwnn and Taliesin feel furry fortunate that their winkwinks, Tommye and Widgy, also are renowed Taoists who have joined the staff of the Tao of Meow in addition to their duties at Queen Bitsy's Castle.
Renowned Repurrter Tommye and Famous Catactress Widgy are well-known to members of CLAW, the Back Fence Cat Club, and Samz Klubb. When they aren't teaching or strolling in the Meditation Garden here at Tao of Meow, you can visit them at Tommye's page and Widgy's page.
Their favorite quotation from the Tao Te Ching is, "When nothing is done, nothing is left undone."