Gurlz Behaffin Badly
Wall of Shame
Ginger moved into ET's home some months ago; caturally, one would think she'd developed more good manners and would be too sophisticated to stick her head into the toilet. ET assures us that this behavior isn't at all uncommon. "Yes, hers is sticking her head in da toilet. I'm so embarrassed fur her. Butt, she does it all da time so she deserves to be exposed.
Caught in this empurrassing purrsition, Scooter's sisfur Edwina claimed she was purracticing yoga. Yeah, right.
Edwina can be fierce to foes as Scooter relates in the following story which explains her purrsition in the household.
"When Edwina first came to live at my meowmie's house (she moved in
pregnant, had three kittens under the bed) she became one of three kitties my
meowmie had then. Two were my older brofurs who have passed over the Rainbow
Bridge and I never knew them.
In the evenings, the three of them would relax on the front lanai and enjoy the evening air. A Tom from down the street sometimes came by and would sit on the pavement outside the screen and visit. One evening, he must have taunted Edwina or she had simply had enough of the ponce. My meowmie heard a loud bang! Both of my brofurs came running into the house. When my meowmie went onto the porch, a huge hole was in the screen and
she could hear cats screaming.
Meowmie quickly ran outside only to find that there were no kitties to be seen. She thought she would never see Edwina again and called for her, looking all over the yard. When she came back to the house, Edwina was waiting patiently on the doorstep. After that, the visiting kitty would never come into the yard; he always walked past the house on the street and never even touched the grass."
Secret agents tell us that Auntie Lois found dirty paw prints on the carpet near the fireplace and found Freya with dirty paws. "Dirty paws, no way, I iz tu, tu sofisticated," maintained Freya.
Confronted with the photographic evidence, Freya reluctantly agreed to wash her paws. That is, if allowed to use Auntie Lois's special, elegant soap.
With clean paws like these, there's only one thing a Circle of Charms gurl wants to do. Have the pawicurist come and do her nalez in the latest fashion color.
Elsewhere, Freya has complained about the purrblication of pictures discrediting her ladylike pretentions [see photo and letter]. Not that we tomz accept her silly excuses.
|Caterwaul Chronicle Front page|
|Paddy's Pub|
Stuck-up white kitty graphic from Daisy's Creations
Backgrounds from Bitsy's Boutique.