Welcome to the Intergalactic Headquarters of Wicked Twins Publishing Conglomerate. Authors of numerous best-selling books on a wide variety of topics, they are in the Board Room planning which of their works should be made into movies and which into television mini-series.

Wicked Twins in Board Room of Intergalactic Headquarters

Taliesin: You're going to see that our Seneca myths in Stargazers become movies and the Seminole myth becomes a mini-series?

Dwnn: Meow! That's a lot of work! Don't forget that I'm updating my book about Chinese Horoscopes! What about my nap schedule?

Taliesin: My dear brofur, you'e overlooking the fact that I've been invited to be Philosophercat-in-Residence at the Unifursity of Mewsatoosets. I have to paw my lectures!


And so each cat goes to his office. Are they are at work? Are they dreaming up a new strategy? Let's check on them and see if we can catch them asleep on the job.

|Dwnn's private office| |Taliesin's private office|

|Tao of Meow Main Page| |Chinese Horoscopes| |Basic Feline Ninja| |Advanced Feline Ninja|
|Teachings of Lao Tzu| |Teachings of Confucius| |Folklore and Legends| Meet the Ashram Staff

|Publishing Empire| |Interviewed by Freya|
|More Proof of Wickedness| |Widgy and Taliesin|

Thanks, Mitzi, for the background, buttons,and bars. Visit Mitzi's page.
The title banner was done by Lisa Kelly under the direction of the
KrazY KeLLy KatZ. Thanks!

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to: The Wicked Twins (wickedtwins@hotmail.com)

Copyright © 1998-2000 by Daphne Schor. All rights reserved.

Last updated on 29 January 2000.