Tux's Rainbow Bridge Page

Sadly we bid farewell to Tux, one of the Ebersocats furmily, upon his leaving us.

Tux was a good furriend who was active in tomzrule® from its earliest days. On assignment from Da Agency, he was a member of the Woods Patrol that guaranteed the security of our private klubbhouse. He was kind and patient, and we had many good mews together. Our eyes are leaking and our whiskers drooping to think we cannot mew with him again again until we join him on the Bridge.

Our thoughts and purrs are with his fursibs and his meowmie at this sad time.

More at tomzrule®

Not long ago Tux provided vital clues in finding and Bitsy's Reticule and ensuring its safe return to Bitsy's Belles girls club.

Tux is mentioned in the infurvu with his fursib Indy by The Wicked Twins.   He and his brofurs received the Bad to the Bone Award.

The Wicked Twins

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Memory Book fur Tux
You are invited to click open the book
and share your memories of Tux.

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Fox, Scully, Spud, Mercury

Rescue Ranch Boys

Shamus Blue and furmily

Jordan, Zena, Scraps, and Neek

E.T. and Ginger

Annie, Ned, and Ernie

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Around the 'Net

Bentley Marlowe's My Rainbow Bridge Furriends page.

Tribute page by Da Agency.

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To contribute a graphic tribute to this page, or to provide a link for another memorial page, email wickedtwins@hotmail.com.

Bridge Home tomzrule home

Elysium background courtesy Fantasyland Graphics.
Solid backgrounds courtesy Backgrounds by Marie.
Rainbow Bridge graphics, bars, and buttons courtesy Catstuff.

Thanks for visiting The Tao of Meow
Especially commissioned for Tao of Meow!
The opening sequence of the "Al Dente" Movement from Clyde's Harp Concerto arranged by Lady Gertrude Dainty Paws.
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