Captain Charlie: Dere's juss a few kwestshuns tu axe mew. Dis alonk wif duh resulks of duh DNA tests will hep us deeside wheffur mewr gross and disgusting enuff tu beez inn tomzrule privut boyz klubb.
Furst, Dew mew koffur up what yew doo inn duh lidderbochs?
Pasha: HA!! Of course not!! I like to haf efuryone admire it!! My sisfurs donut like when I do dat!! MOL!!
Acmewally, it's my momfur's suggestion dat I join tomzrule so I can channel all my "tomz stuff" as she puts it. MOL!!! She's hoping dat I'll be less rebellious at home if I can be crazy in da club!! She's rong!!
Captain Charlie: How offun doo mew git zonked owt own nipz?
Pasha: Not often enuff!!!
Captain Charlie: Dew yoo purrfur to barf own duh carpet or own duh bed?
Pasha: I am a carpet tomz.
Captain Charlie: How lowd can mew belch?
Pasha: Now, dat is an art I am sorely lacking expurrtize in. But I know you tomz can educate me!! I haf high hopes dat I will be a quick learner and shock all my sisfurs purty quickly.
Captain Charlie: Haf mew evfur farted in duh face of mewr human's company?
Pasha: I donut bother much with humanz. But if I did, I would!!
Captain Charlie: Are mew purrpared to purrticipate "in-duh-fur" at all klubbhowse aktivities cents tomzrule iz a naturist organization?
Pasha: I certainly am!! I purrfur to go "in-the-fur" but fur some reazon, da parties and dances likes you to be dressed!!