Tom or Imposter?

A Challenge fur duh Woods Patrol

The Wicked Twins greet Royal in the KK Truk

Dwnn:   Lukks like Royal iz making a delivery to Paddy's. He seems tew be dewing fine as duh new drivver of duh KK truk. We awl miss Murff and beez glad dat hiz fine werk iz being catinued.

Taliesin:   Datz rite. Evfurry time I lickz duh glaze off a Krispy Kreme, I tink of Murff.  hmmm ... Wunfur if Royal nose where Captain Charlie iz. I dooknot tink he haz duh Woods Patrol away on maneuvfurs.

Yo, Royal! Yew seen Captain Charlie?

Royal:   Captin Charlie bees infurvewin purrspectib noo memfurs ober at da Terrace Cafe. Dere been allot ob gurlz twyin tew sneek intew Tomzrule an Charlie haf da Woods Patrol on da alert. Ob coarse da DNA testin an awl dat gonna bees gud fur finein allot ob dem imposters butt I'se haf toad Captin Charlie dat dere mite steel bees won ore tew dat steel gonna fool usts intew thinnin dem bees tomz.

I's haf suggested dat dere bees won final test an dat bees da Kwispy Kwemes test. Eech purrspectib noo memfur gotted luk at awl da donuts in dis twuck an chose da won dem wants. Mew nose dat ift dem haf tew chose frum moe den won thin dem gurlz takeds furefur. Ift a kitty takeds moe den a minit tew chose a donut mew jes nose it haf tew bees a gurl.

Dwnn:   -mewhaha- Watta test! I furgotted abowt duh infurvus. Guess we juss wate tew heer from him.

Taliesin:   We beez mitey glad dat yew took own dis eggstra dooty of keeping duh klubb supplied wif doughnuts, Royal. Itz gonna be hard werks wif sew many hongree tomz!

Royal:   Mew rite bout it bean hard werk, but I'se gittin da hang ob it an it bees furry mush funz brinkin Kwispy Kwemes tew awl da tomz.

Hey, wanna sees meese dew a wheely?


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