Captain Charlie: Dere's juss a few kwestshuns tu axe mew. Dis alonk wif duh resulks of duh DNA tests will hep us deeside wheffur mewr gross and disgusting enuff tu beez inn tomzrule privut boyz klubb.
Furst, Dew mew koffur up what yew doo inn duh lidderbochs?
Tiger: I dontz coffer mew litter dat is fur mew sellfish sisfurs to dooz or to leaffs a nice stinks.
Captain Charlie: How offun doo mew git zonked owt own nipz?
Tiger: Zonked out own nipz who mew? *Grinz* At leess twice a day nut countingz wif miew budz at Paddy's.
Captain Charlie: Dew yoo purrfur to barf own duh carpet or own duh bed?
Tiger: Bof. If mew sisfurs barf on da carpet mew juss adz to dem so dey gets da blame.
Now, if mew in beds wif meowmie and mew haf to barf mew willz do it right den. Den I looks up wif da miew big sorrowfur eyes an meowmie looks at miew wiff luff
and sayz "oh mew could nut helpz it" and luffs mew effen more. Den I get da specfur purlace rite ness to meowmie while dose sisfurs haf hissy fitz.
Captain Charlie: How lowd can mew belch?
Tiger: Effer sinz meeting Tomzrule memfurs mew haff been taking belching lessons furrom my budz! Is getzing to be a furry nize roar.
Captain Charlie: Haf mew evfur farted in duh face of mewr human's company?
Tiger: Fart inda face of company? Why yess, cause dey wood neffer say anything as mew try to make it look like a hooman did itz. Mehahahah.
Captain Charlie: Are mew purrpared to purrticipate "in-duh-fur" at all klubbhowse aktivities cents tomzrule iz a naturist organization?
Tiger: Yes mew wood purticipate in da furr asktivities.
Wen mew appurrlied to join Tomzrule mew vowed to purricipate in da asktibities cuz mew likes being wif mew budz.