Yo tomz!
I has sumfing different fur youse dis monf. Sum
memfurs has askt too sea pikshures of mysef bein handy
rownd da home, butt den I komes up wif da idear ov letting
youse meat mize macho kuzins. Dey bees waye macho an wood bees
gud addishuns too da klubb, butt I’z gessin dat sense dey
don’t haf know webbsight mabee dey finks dey kant joyn. I
will jes introdoos youse awl an lett youse bees da juj ov
Da Brofurs Settin da Table
Hir dey bees – Sami Sam on da left an Oscar on da rite.
Dese boyz werk hard konstantlee becuz da meowmie bees a
nursie an she alla times werk, werk, werk! Iff’n dey wans enny
dinnur at awl, dey hasta set da table dere ownsef cuz da
meowmie shur ain’t home to dew it.
Now two da kashual obsurfer, it mite luk likes dese tomz
jes bee nappin, butt in reealitie, dey bees takin a litter
breafer becuz dey bees eggsawsted aftur kleenin an polishin
da table jes sew dey kan haf dinnur! Dat’s knot awl neifur.
Yew mite fink dey wood rest when dey haz da chans, butt no!
Sea, dey are knot relee restin – dey is refreshin dere
ownseffs by gazin at der reflekshun in da table dey jes
polished an pondureen da uniferse.
Notice how keerfully dey praktis da feng shui principulz by
hafin efurryfing in purrfekt balanse off to won side. Dez
tomz dew knot likes klutter! Now iff’n dey kome too mize
howse dey wood git all nerffus becuz da meowmie don’t know
nuffin bowt da feng shui. She jes putt stuff ennywher dre
bees rume. She donte efun git upsetted whin my sisfurs an
me haz toyz all ofur da plaice. Oscar an Sami wood go
crazee at mize howse.
Efun dough dey donte likes klutter, dey still bees macho.
Dey fits rite in mize werkshop cuz dey likes da toolz an
sawdust an stuff. Sides, wif all mize handycat purrjekts,
sumtimez I needs hepp an dey moar den hapee to lend a paw.
Eatin Owt
Hir, Oscar bees teechin Sami how too git owtside sew iff’n
da meowmie werk late, (like she alla times dewin) dey wonte
starf too deaf becuz dey kan go ketch der own dinnur. Dey
likes eatin owt becuz den dey don’t hafta polish da table
an Oscar gits owt of washin da dishes!
Oscar Washing Dishes
Oscar yoosed to knot likes da dishwashing, butt efur sense
he figgered owt how much fud bees on doze plates, he
deesided it knot sew bad aftur awl. Koarse he kerfurry liks all
da dishes off furst sew dey komes owt nice an kleen frum da
dishwasher. Da bestus part bees putting da dishes in an
knot takin dem owt. Sumtimez he jes dew ofur fings an den
jes befor da meowmie kome home, dat bees whin he herriez up
an emptiez da dishwasher an putts da dishes aweigh sew it
luks like he ben werkin hard awl day. He bees won smart tom!
Sami Sam Guardcatting
Sami Sam takes da guardcatting dootie furry sirriusly as
youse kan sea. Dis bees a mose strenyuos job an rekwires
intenss konsentrashun. Dis alsew bees whear da meditashun
komes in handee. Sea, he needz too bee redee fur ennyfing at
enny momunt. Iff’n Sami didn’t meditate an pondur da
unifurse, hard telling what wood happin. Luckie fur him, dere
bees da nipz growin rite bize his guard stashun!
Earthquake Preparedness
As guardcat, Sami has to purrtekt da howse frum enny kind
ov natcheral disastur alsew. Hir he bees praktisin holdin
down da cowch so he will no what too dew whin da earthquake
strikes. Where he liffs, earthquakes are happenin moar an
moar ofun, sew he needz to praktis holdin down da
furnitcher alla time.
Sam da Man Kolumns:
February 2002: Royal Washing duh Furmily Car
March 2002: Timmerman Tomz at Werk and
Bentley Settin Duh Rekord Strate
April 2002: Orange Tomz: Simba, Booger,
May 2002: Sami Sam and Oscar
June 2002: The Wicked Twins
Sam da Man wuz awarded dis most purrstigious award fur
journalistik eggsulunch by duh redoubtable Queen Bitsy hersef. The Caterwaul Chronicle iz purroud tew haf had such uh dishtingished kolumnist riting fur dis mewspaper.
Sam da Man is now at the Rainbow Bridge. We all miss this inspurrayshunul tom and are grateful fur his literary legacy.
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