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Renowned Renovator, Sam da Man
Yo tomz!

I bees relee eggsited too feechur da Wicked Twinz – Dwnn and Taliesin – in dis monf’s kolumn. Dey bees furry revered in catdom fur dere wizdum an wee iz furry luckie too haf dem share dere eggspurriense wif us. Dese tomz turned 16 in May 2002, sew dey nose a fing or two, dat’s fur shur! Dey tells mee dat dey has earned dere name – Wicked Twinz – an after yew reed watt dey has too say, yew kan beleaf it!

Da Twins Bean Wicked

The Wicked Twins
“Our secret as Wicked Twins is that we look like Innocent Twins (photos don't lie - MOL). Part of our 'innocence' is running to the door when we hear Meowmie's car engine. This makes her think we've been furry lonely and makes it more likely that we'll get freshly poached salmon fur dinner.

Morning newspaper

An impurrtant morning duty is checking the newspaper fur Meowmie. There are so many things in the paper that upset, worry, or anger humans that we believe all kitties should shred newspapers to help our dear purrents live less stressful lives.

Taliesin Here you see Taliesin looking for additional ways to help Meowmie paint. He has already climbed the ladder and pushed off a tray filled with paint that might have fallen off and hurt someone.

Taliesin likes to dip his paws in paint and then walk on uncovered floor so that Meowmie is reminded to cover everything with dropcloths. Another helpful thing to do is dip one's tail in the paint and then walk around and swish, swish, swish so that Meowmie can see how well the paint color looks on tables, appliances, etc. Try it; your human will thank you with screams of joy and delight.

Dwnn Dwnn has chair duty on sunny afternoons. Furniture has air under it, and warm air rises. We lie where the sun shines to provide much needed weight so that chairs, couches, and beds do not levitate and damage the ceiling.

Dwnn is not idle while holding down the chair. He has ripped the fabric on the lamp shade to remind Meowmie that she needs a more attractive one. From this position he can easily step onto the bookcase and push books that need dusting onto the floor; it's a task he often purrforms.

We regret that Meowmie has put an ugly green slipcover on the chair which hides the shredded upholstery. Because this is Meowmie's favorite reading chair, and the one where we take naps on her lap, we gave it our special attention. Caturally, she wishes to preserve our work (she adores us so), but we wish you could see the shambles we made of it in order to create a super-comfy spot fur Meowmie.


Sometimes we work together on a project. Once when Dwnn had a special purrject in mind, Tally kept a lookout for Meowmie so the creative endeavor wouldn't be interrupted. Fortunately, Dwnn had plenty of time.

Dwnn Meowmie is so fond of this basket because it's hand-made of maple strips and dyed with walnut and black locust. Dwnn decided to enhance it a bit, so he jumped into it and nibbled all around the rim leaving a decorative band of tooth marks. Meowmie was so pleased that she moved the basket straightaway. Alas, he can no longer reach it to add his final touches by biting the handles.

To see a cartoon (size 680X230) made by our furriend Charlie that shows the helpful things we do fur our meowmie evfurry day, just click here.”

More About da Twins

If yew wants too no how da Twinz got dere name, yew kan reed awl abowt it in Freya’s Interview . Freya axes dem awl kindz ov gud kweshtunz an yew kan reed abowt der winkwinks too! Dwnn and Taliesin haf a relee grate website called Tao of Meow where yew kan lurn awl kindz of tingz that wood make yew smart.

Sam da Man Kolumns:
February 2002:   Royal Washing duh Furmily Car
March 2002:   Timmerman Tomz at Werk and
Bentley Settin Duh Rekord Strate
April 2002:   Orange Tomz: Simba, Booger, KeeKee
May 2002:   Sami Sam and Oscar
June 2002:   The Wicked Twins

Mewlitzer Award
Sam da Man wuz awarded dis most purrstigious award fur journalistik eggsulunch by duh redoubtable Queen Bitsy hersef. The Caterwaul Chronicle iz purroud tew haf had such uh dishtingished kolumnist riting fur dis mewspaper.

Sam da Man is now at the Rainbow Bridge. We all miss this inspurrayshunul tom and are grateful fur his literary legacy.

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