Nosey Parker's Office
Klubb HQ

tomzrule office
Henry of Boyz Baseball Club (left) & Nosey Parker of tomzrule® (right)

This is a fine office you've got here, Nosey. Really 'up-town'. But - it's sort of what I'd expect from a big city columnist like you. Real class.

Nosey Parker:
Why thankee, Henry. I needz a place to coordinate tomzrule® events and to write the mewspaper. Dis furniture is purrty comfy fur gitting on, I tinks.

It's nice to have another club for us boyz. We needs places to hang out - places that are NOT pink ... or purple. Yuck!!! AND we really needed your club - after those gurlz infiltrated our Boyz Baseball Club. We've got it secured now - and are open for business again. But THAT was a close call.

Nosey Parker:
Dose gurlz are always poking around trying to check up on us. Poor tings; guess our he-male lives are just so much more interesting dan theirz.

Those gurlz just want to take over the whole internet. And where would we boyz be?

Nosey Parker:
Exactly! We gotta find waze to purrtect ourselves. After all, tomzrule® can't do it alone.

We've got to get united. All us fellow pulling together. Wait !!! know what we need?

Nosey Parker:
Brofur Clubs. We needz Brofur Clubs!

Right - exactly right, Nosey. Those gurlz haff got lots and lots of Sisfur Clubs. They started them years ago!!! Why didn't we think of it? Shall we - shall we do it?

tomzrule® is a member of Brofur Clubs
Here's a list of the Brofur Clubs so you can go join.
You have to be a boy kitty to join. No gurlz allowed!

Boyz Baseball Club
Orange Tabby Boys Club

Share your thoughts with other tomz on the
Brofur Clubs Meows bulletin board.

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Backgrounds from Bitsy's Boutique.
Office furnishings by the Royal Artist at Queen Bitsy's Castle