Bragging Page &
Memfur Compurrtitions

Boyz just want to be baaad
Question:  What is more fun than getting together with mewr buddies and bragging and betting about mewr bad behavior?

Answer:  Nothing at all!

January 2002 Compurrtition: International Nipzbeer Drinking Cattest - Qualifying Round Begins

Paddy's Pub will host the Finals of the International Nipzbeer Drinking Cattest on March 17. All tomzrule® memfurs are eligible.

To qualify, you must submit the following to Nosey Parker at by January 15, 2002.

  1. Your name and your nationality. USA kitties must also tell which state you live in, too.
  2. Write a short sentence (40 words or less) about why you would be a good cattestant.
  3. Be prepared to provide (but do not send until requested) a photo of yourself in your fur. Need body pretty visible, at least suitable face.

Voting for each country's cattestants will be held during the last week of January and will be announced by special email mewsletter to memfurs.

Finalists will be posted in the February issue of the Caterwaul Chronicle. Finals, to be held on March 17, 2002 in Paddy's Pub, will be judged by panel of experts on nipzbeer consumption. (Guiness for Paddy's Day.)

Previous Compurrtition:
December 2001 - Shocking duh Guests
November 2001 - Spitting Cattest

Suggestions fur future compurrtitions welcome

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Backgrounds from Bitsy's Boutique.
Leaping cat courtesy Action Cat.