Hadarah: I'm having so much fun planning activities for the 20th Century Guild. It was a very exciting period in history! We'll never run out of new things to explore and mew about with each other.
I suppose I might feel this way because I live in the Maryland suburbs of Washington, D.C., where so much happened in the last century. I wonder?
Zena: MOL MOL You Beltway kitties are so funny! Why, a lot happened here in Indiana, too. It was one of the realities of the 20th Century that global communications made every town in every country aware and involved in everything good or bad.
There were so many exciting events and new ideas and technology, and we'll be mewing about them all. I'm expecting to be busy, busy, busy keeping the membership and points records.
Hadarah: Caturally, I know that we aren't the only ones with ideas for activities. I hope that members will emew us their topics for discussions, suggestions for projects, and their questions and concerns.
Zena: Yes, indeedy! We're always interested in what members have on their minds.
Hadarah: We want every member to feel that this guild belongs to them.