Welcome to the 20th Century! The last century saw vast changes in every aspect of life on every continent. We're a club fur kitties who like to share experiences and knowledge of that era in a spirit of fun and furriendship.
And the parties; don't forget the parties!
[Mew Years Eve 12/31/05
Halloween 10/31/05 Party.]
We invite you to Time-travel with us as we explore the Twentieth Century: History, Culture, Society.
Join today!
~~~ Exploring the 20th Century ~~~
Current Activities |
Badges Gallery
Sound Off Archives |
Monthly projects to enjoy while earning badges and service points.
Go there!
Badges earned; members who earned them; links to their contributions.
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Members mew their experiences and opinions on monthly questions.
Go there!
~~~ Meeting the Guild Members ~~~
Members Gallery |
Roster & Points
Guild Leaders |
Photos of guild members. Links to web pages.
Go there!
Birthday Roster!
Membership list with current points achieved. Updated monthly.
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Hadarah and Zena discuss their goals for the 20th Century Guild.
Go there!
~~~ Knowing How & Having Fun ~~~
Earn Points |
Join Guild
Have Fun |
Ways you can earn points and improve ranking.
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How to join the 20th Century Guild.
Go there!
Games room. No points, just for fun.
Go there!
updated 7 Feb 06
As memfurs mew about the amazing experiences of this time, we also recall that many things we think of as new in the 20th Century (e.g., cars, phones, electricity, movies) are rooted in the Victorian era and include those influences, too.
Join us and let the fun begin!
To Join: Email Guild Leaders
|Guild Home|
|Current Activities|
|Badges Gallery|
|Sound Off Archives|
|Members Gallery|
|Roster & Points|
|Guild Leaders|
|Earn Points|
|Join Guild|
|Have Fun|
Originally created as part of the now-defunct CLAW, to which
our families belonged from late 1997 until its closing in 2005.
Backgrounds courtesy of
Gramma Hugs.
Copyright © 2005 by Daphne Schor. All rights reserved.