Sexy Sexy Littlefoot
Bambi swivels her hips

Tomz express their appurrciation

Littlefoot:  "O, Carries me back to dat liddle grass shak in Bloo Hahvahee." Trala trala. Wow, dis is funs! We is gets lots uf eggsercise and lotsa toona bills furm da tomz at da samest time. I purrdick lotsa shopping sprees in our future.

Bambi:  Glad mew talk me into appurrlying fur this job. I wuz feels a liddle shy 'til da Wikked Twinz telled us dat duh tomz woodn't akshullee beez pudding duh tips (blush) inside ourown hula-hula skurts. Jess lukk at duh monies dey is tosses at us!

Littlefoot:  Hope KeeKee duzzn't haf a hissy fit abowt our dances at duh klubb. Dat brofur uf ours kan beez meny fuelish!

Bambi:  Who care wheffur dat nipzed-out boy approof or knot. Purdy sune, we beez sew meny rich dat he wills alla time beez want tu borrow toonas. He kaint catplane abowt ennyfing we duz.

Tomz of Rescue Ranch are feeling no pain.

Sheik Ollie Babble:  Hubba Hubba! Bof dose gurlz will go to dinner wif me, I noze. Gude fing I got me sum extra sleep today n putted on my best cologne - Eau de Oil Well. MOL MOL

Fernando:  Tew late, Sheik. Dat swivel-hipped gurl, Bambi, awreddy purrmised to go to dancing wif me after duh lass show tonite.

Davy:  Ize konsiderationing knot spinning awl my allowance on nipz and fude. Mebbee I saffs sum fur dese dancerz.

KeeKee:   Ize so empurrassed dat myown sisfurs are shaking dere, dere evfurryting in myown klubbhouse. Steel, dey seemz to beez making manytoonas; purrhaps I can diskovery where dey hides dem. Den I cud buyz a lodd of turkeymeat!

Dorian Gray:  Dis beez sew eggsiting dat I feelz the moffur of all fartz coming on. Dis could beez my masterpeece - MOL - Back up boyz or you'll be sorry, I can't hold it any longer -- BRRRZZZZZPPPTTT!

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Luau Room stars, Littlefoot and Bambi, appear courtesy of Cats and Pink Cadillacs

Tomz of the Rescue Ranch appear courtesy of Auntie Nancy.
Other images and midis courtesy Auntie Lois, secretary of the BFCC
and Auntie Doris, Royal Artist fur Bitsy's Castle.