Welcome to Paddy's Pub fur the Mew Yeerz Ebe 2004 celebration by tomzrule memfurs!

Shamus Blue

Shamus Blue, with bells on, arrived first mewing, "I lykes to arrive first so dat I can choose myown nipzkeg. Also I gets first choice of which table to drink myownself under."

Bentley Marlowe Charlie Entirely
Also sporting astonishing headwear were Bentley Marlowe (left) and Charlie Entirely (right). They made no comment other than ordering nipz and pizza and asking when Littlefoot and Bambi would begin their hula dancing. "I fink I'll be able to see two of each gurl tonight!" Ben mewed between belches.

Toms dancing on table

The regular, albeit unofficial, Table Dancers: Ferny, Biggie, Charlie, and Frenchie demonstrated their skills until overcome by their overindulgence. "We alwaze like to spend duh ebening under Table 3 after dancing own it fur a while. Itz relaxaltizing," commented Ferny.

Later ... much later ...
the tomzrule® minivan carried the tomz, a few of them almost conscious, to their comfy homes and loving furmilies.

Klubb-provided transportation fur the zonked


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