Cattest #2 Peeing - most disgusting place
(requires text only)

Cattestant Bandit boasts:   "I is always doin dis one. Mumfur hates it when I duz dis. I get in my litterbox right after hur cleans it up, and den I aim for de back corner, and pees so hard it goes between the lid, and makes a big puddle in da floor.   TeHeHe!"

My Most Disgusting Pee Places!

by Buddee Gill

When I do a widdle pee
The floor gets cleaned a lot
And I dont give a hoot!
That I have missed the box!

If I want to pee a lot
I find the perfect spot!
Like in the garden when its hot!
To help the plants along!

But when I'm at my very best, beware!
I find the most disgusting spot,
And dump my load without a care
In Mom's suitcase full of cloths to wear!!!!!!

Of course, she howled with rage
And threatened to shut me in my cage!
But I was not purrturbed at all
And on the bed I paid another call!

I am one disgusting Tom
With a very understanding Mom!
But now I do try to behave
Because she sure can rave!


Enfured by Moke

Our dining room table is glass
Through which mew can readily see
On the shelf in the center is a bowl of shells
Into which I can happily pee.
The shells are cupped or have holes
To hold the liquid well
That makes sure the aroma is long lasting
That beautifur purrdictable smell
The guests that were laughing and eating
and drinking a nipz or two
Suddenly get solemnly quiet
And are wondfuring what to do
I am out from unfur the table
Looking at them from afar
knowing I've been disgusting
I'm having a good hardy har...


Winner Bentley Marlowe boasts:   "De wurstest purrlace I ebber peed wuz on a picfur on de wall, I cwimbed up on de entertazinment center & peed on meowmie's needlepoint, cause her got a new kitty! I also peed on de libbin room wall! Dat will teach her to not git NO more kitties!"

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