gross and disgusting tomzrule memfurs shop fur items to enhance their repurrtayshuns fur despikabull behayfur at the Grosser Ree Stower

Comfy cloze and a comfy howsehole are what evfurry tom desurffs. Dese fine itemz will hepp yew clayme yewr tarry tory and enjoy yewrown disgusting waze.

~~ Indulge With Style ~~
spittoon spittoon mug
Purractice fur duh nipzterbaccy spitting cattests by aiming at wun of dese fine brass spittoons. Put it neer yewrown sisfur's bed, justin case yew miss.

Memfurs who bring der offishull beer mugs to Paddy's will git free nipzbeer awl nite -- as long as dey still beez konshus. Mug and spittoons by Ferny, who beez kwite eggspeeryunced in dere use.

~~ Clayme fur Yewrseff ~~
scratching post
Yew shred duh furnitoor, duh curtinz, whateffur yew choozes, but yew *must* haf a scratching post of yewr own.
cat bag

A tom needz a playce in hizown howse where duh uppity sisfurs cannot enter.


Hizown box beez essentull sew dat evfurrywun noze witch cat makez awl duh stink and nevfur koffurs hizown leaffings.

Kitkat Biggie Fries Jordan
Wuz dere evfur a male dat didn't take a buch wif hymn to duh litterbox? In faq, somethymez duh room beez mower like a lyeberry dan a bafrume MOL

~~ Dekor Wifowt Dekorum ~~
tomzrule sign bed sofa
Evfurry tom kneads many of these fine tomzrule® signs made by Sammye's Meowmie Doris. Furry useful fur clayming awl duh furnitoor as yewrown.

Notice how effectiflee it purrsonalizes duh bed and couch dat we got at Sam's Royul Trift Shopp. Furnitoor from dere is entirely sooted to haffing duh klubb sign attached.

Grosser Ree Stower Departments:
Capz, teez, shortz   Howsehole itemz   Poster Shop  
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Duh Grosser Ree is owned and oppurrated by The Wicked Twins of Tao of Meow,
but they refuse to be responsible fur its oppurrations or fur anything else.
Fernando of Rescue Ranch is Chief Buyer; that means that he supervises Meowmie Nancy in the design and making of many items available here.
Some graphics are donated by other tomzrule® memfurs whose identities and
web pages are indicated.

Graphics are Copyright © 2004 by their creators. All rights reserved.