Cattest #1 Peeing - range & quantity
(requires graphic w/text)

Buddee Gill

Cattestant Buddee Gill explains:   "No aktual picfurs are available of ma peeing eggpurrtease, it is juss too gross! Dis grafic gifes a visual idea of duh distance and quantity, estimated to be as follows:-
Quantity - at leest two gallons (Mom sayz. SHE has tuh clean it up)
Distance- a gud two and a half feet frum duh litter box (she wonders why she boffers gifing me a box).
It's me, Buddee, at ma most disgusting best!"


Cattestant Dwnn (of the Wicked Twins) explains:   "I credit Meowmie with helping me reach my purrsonal best record. I was sitting in her handmade honeysuckle natural-dyed basket and quietly nibbling around the top. She yelled at me so sudden and so loud that I soaked the basket dyeing the carpet underneath. The direction was straight downward and the quantity was all I had in me.

Hmmm. Wonder what happened to that basket."


Cattestant JJ de Slayer of Mousies explains why he sent in two photos:   "I got a couple ob enturries fur de peein cattest - diz one I juz be checkin de waturr lebel in de fish tank to see if I need to add some more :)"

JJ checks water level.

"Diz one I be restin' on de purrch where I 'slayz de mousiez' cuz I be tuckurred out furrom juz fillin' dat liddle pond down behind dat rhodydendurrun bush - hee hee heeeee."

JJ tuckered out


Cattestant Moke the Magnificent explains:   "From 6 ft. away I am hitting the box with such furce that it splashes up right in Troubie's face who is
anofur 2 ft. away."

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