Where would we be without our cats to tell us when to wake, when to nap, and when to prepare a snack? The Wicked Twins and their sisfur Hadarah invite you to join them for a bit of mischief and madness in their Feline Frolics.
Caterwaul Chronicle
See how Indy "helps" his Meowmie. Are space aliens on their way to steal brains of cats, Earth's most intelligent life forms? Don't miss the October 2014 issue!
Tour Castle Gwyndd, home of Her Imperial Majesty, Empress of All.
Tao of Meow
The Wicked Twins (Dwnn and Taliesin) share Chinese Horoscope lore, philosophy, and meditations at the internet's original feline ashram.
Updated 2 March 2014. Pages under update/construction.
People think they understand holidays, but only cats know how to celebrate them properly. Visit from time to time as the cats add more pages and holidays through the year.
The Wicked Twins take their little sisfur to a Halloween party.
Added 8 October 2014.
Flag Day - June 14
The story of the Star Spangled Banner has special meaning for these cats.
Added 26 February 2014.
Fourth of July
There wouldn't be a USA without the revolting behavior of "Toms" in the Revolution. Read and be purroud.
Updated 14 February 2014.
Dog Days of August
What's all this, then? Not to worry no slobber will get on you while visiting the page.
St. Patrick's Day
Don't imbibe too many spirits while in the holiday spirit. Let Dwnn's misadventure serve as a warning.
Added 25 February 2014.
Mother's Day
What cats require of a meowmie and how the Wicked Twins found the perfect one.
Added 4 March 2014.
Cat paws don't fit keyboards, so an amanuensis must be found. One who demands only purrs, head bonks, and a little space on the web site as compensation for the hours of slavish devotion. Here are some interests followed in the moments not devoted to feline adoration.
Miss Stacy Opines
Advice from an Old Wife about home remedies, gardening, and life along the "slow lane."
Updated 6 June 2014.
Town whose citizens have a sort of logic known only to them and comedian Gracie Allen.