Surly dog lying outside dog house
Dog Days of August

Dog Days. DAYS?

ONE Fourth of July day. ONE Christmas day. ONE New Years day. But dogs have DAYS?

Is it because they are so slow-witted that they can't figure things out with only one day?

After all, these are the slavish critters that slobber all over their masters. (Masters? the concept is foreign to cats.) Who bark at passing moonbeams and sleep through burglaries.

They are DOGS! Do not expect too much of them. BTW: How'd they get these days anyhow?

Origin of Dog Days

ksetch of constellation Canis Major The hottest days of summer, Dog Days got the name in reference to the time Sirius, the largest star in the constellation Canis Major, rose about the same time as the sun. (Note that this is no longer true because of the gradual shift of the earth's rotation on its axis.)

Dog Days herald evil times. Wine sours, dogs go mad, other creatures became languid, and people are subject to fevers, hysterics, and "frenzies." Birds don't sing. Sores don't heal. Not good.

The ancient Greeks and Romans used the term. The Book of Common Prayer which was the official liturgical calendar for the Jamestown, Virginia, Colony referenced Dog Days. So it probably has been known in the New World at least since then.

Rabies shots and air conditioning make life safer and better for many of us, but Dog Days are still miserable for most of the world. BTW: people in the Southern Hemisphere also have Dog Days during their summer.

Every Dog Has Its Day

Dog blinkie When it isn't Dog Days, things are better for dogs. "Every dog has its day" is very old expression that is used with a double context.

One is that no matter how lowly, every living thing has its moment of joy. The other is that as part of its "joy" a dog will take its revenge on its tormentors.

But it's more fun to imagine a carefree party.

What Cats Think

Cat giving finger to dogs How do cats feel about dogs and their days?

Don't be shy. Mew what you really think.

Most cats would agree that the proper relationship is best demonstrated at the official Garfield site.

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