Meet the Drink-Off 2002 Finalists

Below are the finalists in the nipzbeer drink-off. Qualifying for the finals required a whole lot of reckless overconsumption on the part of each tom. Each cattestant has been given a specially designed "Drinking Cap" to help him meet the challenge of the stressful final compurrtition.

Buddee Gill

Name: Prince Buddha Gill - better known as Buddee
Repurrsenting:  Australia

Being a strong healthy Tomz and living in a hot, well most of the time it's hot, climate (Adelaide) I haf to consume several gallons of nipz effury day to keep up my fluid intake, otherwise I just might collapse from heat stroke and dehydration. Sooooo I haf developed a fine outstanding catstitution for nipz and can hold my own with any cat anywhere!


Name: Royal
Repurrsenting:  Puerto Rico

I bees a good cattestant fur da nipzbeer drinkin contest because I can holds my licker (unless I'se gotteds da flew likes I hads at da Mew Yeqars Eve Ball).


Name: Tang
Repurrsenting:  U.S. Northern States
(from Rhode Island)

I am a good contestant becuz I can drink nipz faster den any cat in my neighborhood or my house. I iz so good at dis, I can finish all mine and den start to steal da nipz from da ofer cats in my house till nobody got any but me. heee!

I will be happy to compete wif any kitty dat finks he can do better den me. I will drink em into da ground. mol


Name: Bandit Gillihan
Repurrsenting:  U.S. Middle States
(from Kentucky)

I just love cattests. I can put away my share and yours too of nipzbeer. (I just hope Freya don't find it first.) Count me in! I'm ready for some fun.


Name: Moke the Magnificent
Repurrsenting:  U.S. South
(from Florida)

It's been a dreadful day
Mouse and squirrel both got away
I'll go to the club, see my budz
Drown my sorrows in a bunch of sudz
Thirsty as I am it's plain to see
Nobody here will drink more than me


Name: Sluggo De Bug
Repurrsenting:  U.S. Southwest
(from New Mexico)

I know dat I will be a good contestant because I am furry big and can out drink my littler buddies. I am 20 lbs.

|Nipzbeer Drink-Off 2002| |Paddy's Pub|
|The Caterwaul Chronicle|

Offishull drinking caps courtesy Meowmie Cass, Secretary of The Agency;
Backgrounds from Royal Artist at Bitsy's Boutique.