Paddy's Pub - Memfurs Only - No gurlz!

Site of the International Nipzbeer Drink-Off 2002!

Dragon:   Grate pardy! We tomz reely know how to haf fun. Evfurry cat dat iz eggsept yew, Brofur of Mine. Why are yew standin dere wif mewr hand in mewr pocket? Haf a few bevvies and hepp keep duh snakez out of Ireland!

Mr McTavish:   Mewr offishully here to wellkume memfurs, so mew kin relax and have a brew or six. I iz hear in my kapasity as head of The Agency. I muss enshure dat duh cattestants are judged fairly.

Dragon:   Furranklee, I'm knot so shure dat dey knows duh diffrentz rite now. Dey is furry serius compurritors.

Cattestants wif plenty of nipzbeer!
Left to right: Buddee Gill, Tang, Royal, Bandit, Moke, Sluggo

Mr McTavish:   Dey haf awreddy beat duh wurrld rekord, each and evfurry one of dem; I haf uhtested to dat fact legally and lawfully.

Dragon:   And so haf mosst of duh ovfurs. Juss look at dat table ovfur dere. Bentley, JJ, and Murff are about to pass duh wurrld rekord, demseffs. Dis iz a nite fur duh rekord books!

Enjoying duh nipz

Bentley:   Hey, Hey! How about I use my hat fur a pittcher so we don't haf to keep wastin tyme openin bottles? Duh cattestants iz luckie; dey don't haf to pour dere own. Keep drinkin Moke, I iz bettin on yew! And on yew too, Bandit!

JJ:   Lookatme! I kin pour nipz and eat pizza at duh same tyme! Ben, yew iz kukoo krazy -- no way Moke kin outdrink Tang. Or Sluggo. Whatchawanna bet it's eifur Tang or Sluggo?

Murff:   Dey kain't neifur drink more dan me. Evfun Buddee, upon whom I haf playced a small wager. Or Royal, upon whom I haf also playced a wager. Heck, I shudda entered duh compurrtition; I haf drinked as much as ennie of duh cattestants. Dis iz a trewly grate catelor pardy Buddee iz haffing! I am counting on duh tom from Adelaide to win!

Whoa, Nelly! Dis mug is movefing around and around in my hand! I need more nipz to make it stop!

And much later...

|Nipzbeer Drink-Off 2002| |Paddy's Pub|
|The Caterwaul Chronicle|

Paddy's Pub and furnishings courtesy Auntie Lois, Secretary to the BFCC.
Offishull drinking caps courtesy Auntie Cass, Secretary of The Agency.
Backgrounds and nipz mug from the Royal Artist at Bitsy's Boutique.