Nipzterbaccy Spitting Cattest

Boyz just want to spit. The wurrld record for nipzterbaccy spitting is 8 feet 4 3/4 inches. In November of 2001, the memfurs tested themselves to see how close to the record they can get.

Those expurriences and the targets chosen fur practice proved to be furry interesting.

Groucho Longest nipzterbaccy spitting distance is 5 an a haff foot. I spitz on a kurve. My targets are tha Kween an Taffy. They iz not my sisfurs.

Cheif Defective Groucho Pussnagel ov Catland Yard

Henry I wuz on the desk the other day chewing my Nipzterbaccy. So I decided to see if I cud break my record. Yep - I sure did. I spit 6' 8-1/2".

I know that's not the record, but I hit Freya in the butt. Hahahaha She whirled around - and I pretended I wuz asleep. Then she looked behind the door and then under the bed and then just sat - cleaning herself and checking on me now and then. I kept my eyes shut, cept fur a peek through a wee slit in my eyelids. Hahaha She never figured out what hit her!!

Henry Von Tudor

Judge Jackie Distance of 6 feetz an 1 inch wif little or no brakeup. Target wuz My sisfur Tiffy an Cheef Inspeckter Leopod. She sed "Squeek" an swatted me.

Judge Jackie, Prince of Wails

Also Tha Qween's Magistrait

an Pope of tha Epusscopurrlian Church

Moke the Magnificent I only spit 4'2" but I hit my target - my momfur Sylvesta - right in the bullseye. (I mean cats eye.) My Daddy thinks this is cruel. He said poor Sylvesta. Of course she is Daddy's girl. But she is always biting me and chasing me away from my fud.

Moke the Magnificent

Sam da Man Sam da Man here. I jest hass to tell alla youse about what I did yesfurday to my snottie sisfur Delli. She jest tinks she is soo smart. Ha! I showed her, boy, but gud! She wass tinkin dat she fuled me, but I new what to do. Dat Delli tooked my fafurit sleepin place an I wass so mad. I knows by now dat iff I hit hur Meowmie duznt like it so I had ta be furry careful what I did.

Meowmie duzn't belief da gurlz when dey tell her dat I chew and spit nipzterbaccy cuz I nefur do it when she can see me.

So what I did was, when Delli was smurkin at me I jest got all dat stuff in a big ole ball in my mouf and I spitted it all right at her. I didn't miss neither! Ha! I laffded so hard dat Meomie almost hurd me. Miss Delli wint runnin to Meowmie right away jest like I new she wud. She cried n cried an kept tellin Meowmie dat I spitted nipzterbaccy at her but Meowmie jest thought she wass tryin to git me in truble agin like she allatime doin. Heehee. I iss so purroud of meself. I swear, dat nipzterbaccy went at least 7 feet! An da best part iss I hit my target - dat snottie sisfur Delli.

Sam da Man

The Wicked Twins Dwnn (left): My record is 4 feet and 4 inches; howevfur, I was on the top of the armoire when I spit so I got a good arc and it landed on Meowmie's new bedspread. She was not furry happy and would not furgive me fur a long time - maybe half an hour.

Dwnn (the Dastardly) of the Wicked Twins

Taliesin (right): My best spit is only 3 feet and 11 inches. I spit on Dwnn's napping pillow and he got mad and chased me and swatted me. We had a good wrestling match, fur shure. We don't haf any sisfurs to persecute us, thank goodness. We just play tricks on each other fur fun and nevfur hurt each other in our playfights.

Taliesin (the Terrible) of the Wicked Twins

Buddee Gill Being a small but lusty Tomz, I haf purrfected the art of spitting nipzbaccy at doz gurlz! My farfest distance was six feet 2 and a half inches, offer da fence. Da gurlz thought they was safe HUH! Oh mew, when dey got hit far and square on dere delicate little noses they mewed and cried all da way home to dere Meowmies and told dere brofurs too. Dere brofurs though just cheered me and my status soared amongst the offer Tomz around here!

Buddee Gill

Buster's Memfurship card I have been chewing and spittin all week long. The furerthest that I have spit so far is a measly 4'-9" but I'll keep practicing up for the next competition.

As fun as the spittin is, the best fun is spittin at my sisfur, Spike. She don't like me and I don't like her. She just has a nasty attitude and loves to point out my character faults. hehehe I just get a jaw full of nip, chew it up good and then go search her out. The first time I got her in the face. Since then I have to spit on the run. She has had to have two baths since I discovered nipzterbaccy spitting !

I now can sleep in the choice spots, get the best goodies and am always in the right spot for petting.

Buster Brewer

Sluggo Da Bug I can spitz da nipzterbacy all da way to da middle of da living room if I am up on my fafurite top shelf. Dis iz mebe about 5 feet, longer if mew count da drop. I luffs to hit da BeBeastie wiff it, she shakes her furr like a spaz cat when I nailz her. Here she iz yellin' at me cuz I gotz her good.

Sluggo Da Bug

Bentley Marlowe My longest spittin' distace wuz 20 ft. & de target wuz dat sassy sisfur ub mine, Tiffany. I gots her right on her purty lil' face, & her response wuz to run to her fafur, cwyin', & her prissy lil' butt wuz howwified! Hee-hee!


Question #1:
Deere Reader, do you believe that infamous bad boy Bentley Marlowe exceeded the wurrld record for nipzterbaccy spitting of 8 feet 4 3/4 inches by more than doubling it? (Do you think Queen Bitsy caught this event on her hidden camera, eh Ben?)

January 1, 2002
The results were:
Believed Bentley 77% of the vote
Doubted Bentley 9% of the vote
Said that only Bitsy's hidden camera knows 12% of the vote

Question #2:
Which cat do you think has the best nipzterbaccy story? Vote in the Nipzterbaccy Poll!

January 1, 2002
The results were:
Sam da Man with 35% of the vote
Bentley Marlowe with 32% of the vote
Moke the Magnificent with 13% of the vote

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