Whither Bitsy's Reticule? (cont)

Captain Charlie with Woods Patrol Memfurs Jordan, Shamus, and Tux

Captain Charlie:   Dis meeting iz fur duh porpoise of saffing duh klubb frum a cirrus situmayshun. We must find a reticule alleged to have been left by Bitsy several years ago. Duh klubbhouse and duh residential facilities haf awreddy bin searched. So haz Paddy's. Dis heer rume and duh rume nexx doar beez storage rooms — fur broken tvs 'n furniture 'n wooden Archives cabnitts.

It will take hard werk and purrseveryune and lodds ov antihistamines, but we must fine dat ting. Dose gurlz haf had duh nerb to send a cattorney to demand it back!

Jordan:   Dis sounz lyke sumting dat happent before I wuz borned juss tree yeerz ago. I duzzn't know what Captain Charlie's mewing abowt, but I iz furry purroud to beez a memfur of duh Woods Patrol. I will do my dooty to duh bess of my abilities!

Shamus Blue:   I'll hepp, tu, but I haf only a furry vague memree ov Bitsy's trying tew break into Paddy's uh long time ago. I rememfurs fur shure dat Freya wuz cawt akshully inside duh ole klubbhouse. I donut wanna haf nuffing lyke dat happen agin. Knot nebbur!

Tux:   I know the story. I wuz patrolling outside Paddy's Pub one Saddidee nite when the moon was full, and I did see a weird silhouetta or somefing and saw somewon looking a lot like Bitsy, who smelled like Bitsy, run off. Found that riducule thing and kept it safe until I gaf it to NP. My duty was done at dat point and I retired to Paddy's to unwind.

I herd dat NP kept it thinking it would force Bitsy to ask for it back admitting guilt, but she never did. I donut know where NP put it.

Captain Charlie:   Thanks Tux, fur telling abowt duh reticule. Dere iz know dowt dat yew saffed duh klubb frum duh *shudder* hidden kamra.

Tux and I willz search dis room while Jordan and Shamus search duh small storage room down duh hall. I noe dat duh Wikkit Twinz and Cattorney Moke are right to rely on the Woods Patrol fur this impurrtant dooty!

We guard duh klubb frum introoderz and frum lawsoots, tew! Duh Woods Patrol iz duh BEST!

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