In the Spotlight
by Nosey Parker

NP infurvuin

That most furriendly and generous of tomz, E.T., has wrapped his furmily around his macho paw. And what a furmily it is!

I beez eggspeshully purrleezed to purrsent an infurvu wif this Texas bad boy.

Nosey Parker:

How did yew happen to find yewr home? Did your furmily accept yew at wunce, or did they fink yew were yucky, full of fleez, and take yew to duh v*t rite away?


E.T. checks out surroundings of his new home I got dumped out here in da country an I wandered around fur a while. I were reel hungry. Everyone had d*gs dat barked at me, so I kept moving. I were resting in da backyard here, wondering if da garden would be a good place to pee (it is). I saw Smokey Girl and followed her into da barn and ate all her fud. But I didn't fight wiff her or nuttin, so da humans sed I could stay.

Dey luffed me frum da start. Butt, I did haff to go to da v*t rite away.

Nosey Parker:

Did yew wate awhile or start being a "bad boy" from the furst? How long did it take the hoomins to realize that a tom will not be bossed by ovfurz?


Mewhehe...I played it cool at furst. I were reel lovey and climbed in meowmie's lap so she would think I were a lap kitty. I know how meowmies are about having a baby in der lap. Course, y'all know I'm no lap kitty! By da time she figured dat out, it were too late. I were a member of da family and had things runnin my weigh.

Nosey Parker:

I nose dat mew have an ice cream cart and share wif awl yewr furriends; you also served ice cream at Cat Mountain Lodge. My favrite flaffur beez strawberry which I licks owt of Pawpa's bowl. Watz yewr favrite?

Dew yew haf a recipe to share wif us or iz dat a trade sekrut?


We all scream fur ice cream. I likes plain mewnilla, or wiff catnip sprinkles on top. Butt, der ain't no bad ice cream.

I lurnt to make ice cream from my sisfer Smokey Girl, and purromised to keep da recipe secret.

Nosey Parker:

Duz yew koffur up watt yew duz in duh litterbox? Dat iz, ifn yew uses duh litterbox - MOL?

Watt's duh mostest disgusting fing yew evfur did, in duh opurrnyon of yewr purrents?


Give me some good ole skunk smell any day Most times I donut koffur. Dat hides da awesome scent of my poops. Dey are a werk of art!

I didn't use to use da litterbox and went in da great outdoors. Butt, I donut get to go outside no more, so I gots to use it. At least da humans figured out I need a tom-size box. Dey bought an underbed storage box 18x34 an 6 inches deep. Plenty of room to werk in.

Da humans sez da most disgustin thing I dun were roll around where da skunks be and den come back to da human's bed all stinky. I thot I smelt gud. Like da grate outdoors!

Nosey Parker:

Tell us abowt dis knew sisfur of yewrs. How did she become part of yewr furmily. I herd dat yew gave her some flowerz to welcome her. Did she eat them all?


Ginger, the new sisfur One morning, when I still gots to go outside, I caught a liddle bunny and brought it to meowmie. She wouldn't let me bring it in da house so I let it go and it hopped away. Dat afternoon, dey brought home da liddle gurl. I guess it were to replace my bunny.

Her had da kitty flu so she had da snotty nose and couldn't smell da flowers. Otherwise, I'm sure she would haff eaten dem.

Nosey Parker:

Watt's she like -- one of dose snooty gurlz or a good sport? Has she joined dose Circle of Charms Ya-Ya Gurlz dat beez allatyme trying to brake into hour klubbhouse?


She a snooty one, alrite. Gots a long fluffy tail and she wave it around like she be da Queen or someting. I hurd she joined dem gurlz, tu. Dat only make hers snootier. An now she all da time be wantin to go shopping an haff tee parties. Sheesh!

Butt, dis is da same gurl who drinks from da toilet. I'll bet dem Ya-Ya's would be surprised to hear dat!

Nosey Parker:

I herd dat yewr meowmie and pawpa gift each ovfurs trakkerz and such fings as prezzunts. Iz dat troo? I beez wunfuring if dat beez a Texas tradition.

Tell us some ovfur weird fings dat yewr purrents dew. Duz they maybe belong to a trakkter klubb like duh Harley ownerz haf?


Tractor Yup, da humans are strange. Dey donut share stuff so each got der own trakkter, motorcycle, and computer.

I donut know why I gots to share my toys wiff Ginger if dey donut share nuttin.

Dey donut belong to no clubs. I donut think no clubs would haff dem, MOL!!

Nosey Parker:

We awl miss Smokey Gurl furry much. Are yew and Ginger keeping the Fine Jewelry Shop open to honor her memory? I got sevrul wunnerfully prezzunts from dere fur my liddle peach blossom, Yak Attak, and I wood like to see it stay open scents itz like a mooseeyum of purrty fings.

Christmas purrsent from the Fine Jewelry Shoppe

Any new designs planned? Purrhaps a nipz stein wif "tomzrule" in rubies - MOL MOL? Dat wood reely make duh gurlz jeelousey.


Thank mew, I miss Smokey Girl, tu. Hers were reel special. She learnt me to werk in da Jewelry Shop so I run it now. I hopes to carry on her fine tradition.

Ginger been too busy shopping fur dresses to learn to make jewelry. I will make custom orders anytime. I jess made some of da gifts fur da Bandit's wed-wink. I made gold-plated bottle openers fur da tomz.

Nosey Parker:

I nose dat yew beez at Paddy's a lot -- Texas climate makez one thirsty -- Watt filosofie of life haf yew reeched in yewr napping tymes? Haf yew any advice fur ovfur tomz two hepp us reech hour full macho tom cattitude?


It a lot of werk to train da humans to haff efferything da weigh you wants it. But it be a noble effort and makes da humans better peoples. When you gots siblings to keep in line, ders effen more werk.

All dat werk sure make a tom thirsty, tho. Go to da pub early and often, MOL!!

Nosey Parker:

Thanks a lot E.T.; we know the Caterwaul readers have enjoyed learning more about you and your tom cattitude.

Related sites:
The lovely pages of Smokey's Web World, where you'll find E.T.'s Ice Cream Cart and Smokey Girl's Fine Jewelry

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Backgrounds from Bitsy's Boutique.
Nosey Parker's casual attire and bike from his wedwink,
Mama Yak Attak of Mrraoworks.