When Bad to the Bone Bentley says you're bad ... you are furry bad indeed!  So when Ben names a tom as winner of the Bentley Marlowe Bad to the Bone Award, evfurrone pays attention.

Bentley's purrsentation remarks:  "Dis mumf I hab elected my bud, Davy, fur de BTTB award, we hab herd him iz a easy-goin', laid-bak kitty, & we nebber hear any fing bad about him. Dat why I selekted him, any kitty dat mew not know any fing about haz gotta be az sly az a fox, & dat rite dere iz BTTB!

Him got dem BTTB Rescue Ranch brofurz, so I iz shure dey hab taut him how to be bad."

The Bentley Marlowe Award Graphic

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Get more tips on how to be Bad to the Bone from this month's winner:
Learn more about this Rescue Ranch boy at
Davy's page and enjoy the music on his 60s Jukebox.

Meet All Bad to the Bone Award winners.

Be sure to visit the Guru:

Bentley Marlowe's web home

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Bad to the Bone award graphic created by Auntie Candy, Meowmie
of tomzrule® memfurs Jasper Jax and Magick, of De Witch & De Kidz.
Backgrounds from Bitsy's Boutique.