Nosey Parker: Yo, tomz! Wood yew quiet duh singing to a roar and stop duh table dancing and farting arown fur a few minutes. Fangu!
We awl want two know wheffur KeeKee will run fur Purrsident. Heer tonite are Keek, his luffly wink Mimi, and Catpaign Manager and Feasibility Reseercher Biggie Fries. Without further ado (whatever "ado" meenz), I will tern duh floor ovfur to Biggie.
Biggie Fries: Tanks NP. And tank you, tomz, fur gafurin tugefur wiff us tunite. And less knot furget da serfices of da fearliss tomz of Da Agency who haff put at
lease one of deir nine lifes and deir onliest tails on da line purrtecktin
our eggstingwished candidate.
Less face it, budz. It beez gettin harder and harder fur tomz tu be tomz. Meowmies skreemin about our furballs dekkoratin deys comfurters, fat sisfurs skreemin about us steelin deys turkeymeat, hooman brofurs skreemin about us goin fishin in deys kwariums.
And we haff tu sneeks out tu Paddy's, and den werry bout if our beluffid
klubbhowse is under attack by dem gurlkatz.
Our feazability catmittee haff determined dat da boy kitties is reddy fur change! A furndamental change, I say! But who will lead us in makin dese changes? A tom who is fearliss. A tom who is smart. A tom who knows how tu swat sisfurs wiffout gettin cot by
deys meowmies. A tom who kin coff up a furball on demand. A kitty who is
knot afurred of fitin fur tomz' rites!
Kitties, dere is a tom amunkst us who furfills all da kwirements. Our purrliminary studdies haff purrduced da ideal catdidate, and our purrliminary catvass has purrdicted 100% suppurt.
Tomz, it is my eggstingwished prifurlege tu infurduce tu you, da necks
Purrsident of da Mewnited States of Da Merica, KEEKEE!
All tomz: Yay! KeeKee - da necks Purrsident!
KeeKee: I wuds likes to fank Mr. Parker an' Mr. Fries fur dere defoshun
to my catidatecy; an' mose a alls, I wants to fanks my wink wink, da
luffly an talented Mimi fur alla times stands by me. I wuds alsos likes to fank Da Agency, fur dere eggselent sekurity, an' all my furriens fur dere kind werds an suppurrt. Mew has giffed me da inspurrashun an' da catfidence to ackcept dis nomfurnashun.
Rememfurs, a fote fur KeeKee beez a fote fur all cats! If I is elect, I
purrmise turkeymeat in effury fude dish, new toyz weneffur we wants dem,
nipz on demaned, kleen litterboxes, an' butt sniffin as da nashunal sport!
Nosey Parker: Three cheers for KeeKee!
All tomz: Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! Let's have another round of nipz!
And so the klubb memfurs, including several who also are on-duty security officers of Da Agency, celebrate the good mews all night long!
L to R on table: Fernando, Biggie Fries, Charlie Noel
On bench: Frenchie Crowley