Paddy's Pub - Memfurs Only
Always open

Agents Murff, Mr. Spock, and Tux Murff: I finks dey'll stop singing dat drinkin song now dat Mimi and KeeKee haf gone inside.

Mr. Spock: Is it alwaze this rowdy?

Tux: At least! If mew cud git away from Da Agency and comes heer moar offun, yew wood know dat evfurrywon is quiet tonite!

Murff: Too bad dose imposters [pic] didn't show up. I wuzz gonna dew a strip search on dem! Doze gurlz beez alwaze trying to sneek intew our privut klubb!

Mr. Spock: Let's stand closer to the door so we can hear what Keek says.

Tux: I shore hope dat he'z gonna run fur Purrsident. We cats are tired of politicians pussy-footing around.

Enter Paddy's

Paddy's Pub flashing neon graphic by Auntie Mary, Buddee Gill's meowmie.
Security Guard uniforms tailored by Auntie Nancy Nancy's Highlander Cats.
Security Guard services provided by Da Agency.