Since Miss Stacy grew up across the road from the town cemetery, her thoughts might differ a bit from those of others. She has never feared to march to a different drummer. Formative years of childhood are most important, so they say.
Death & Burial1 June 2014It's been said that humankind's greatest fear is the fear of death. There is a greater fear the fear of not being dead. Before modern embalming techniques became widely available, there were rare instances of a "dead" person's reviving. Rare, but rare cases are enough to fill the imagination with anxiety. The following folk story, related in Richard M. Dorson's Regional Folklore in the United States, is typical of those Miss Stacy heard during her apprenticeship for becoming an Old Wife: Before the time that embalming of the dead was practiced, many people were pronounced dead, only to come alive again. This story has to do with a middle-aged woman who had been ill for two weeks and then died. After a wake had been held, as was the custom, she was buried.
Communities developed customs in an attempt to forestall such occurrences. In the area where Miss Stacy grew up, many of these practices were still followed although embalming was the norm. Burial took place three days after death (which would have given time to regain consciousness or for decomposition to become obvious), and neighbors kept a watch over the body throughout this time (in case there was any movement). At age fourteen Miss Stacy began taking turns sitting overnight with a corpse. She didn't find this practice in any way unsettling. There always were two sitters to help each other stay awake, and she was always paired with an older person from whom she was able to elicit much information to add to her Old Wife Lore. This "sitting up" always took place in the "sitting room" to which the body of the late beloved was taken while awaiting burial. This association was rather sad for families, and these rooms came to be called "living rooms".