In the Spotlight
by The Wicked Twins, Dwnn and Taliesin
When we saw Ziggy Henderson's oh-so-innocent look on his photo in the klubb's
Konfudenshull Direktoree, we knew that we were looking at a tom who knows how to keep his secrets. Caturally, we wanted to know more about him and his badness.
The Wicked Twins:
Tell us how you chose your forever home.
My meowmie picked meow frum a litter uf kittens. My birth meowmie had a deformed face frum gettin into a squable wif a racoon. She survived, tho.
I waz de last in the litter ta go, and sew I had all dem milk bottles tew meowownself. Dats why when meowmie brought me home, and tried tew tell meow daddy dat I waz a stray, he laffed sew hard. He knew dat it was a cattail. Meow Haw!!
The Wicked Twins:
Do you have any fursibs? If so, do they enjoy misbehaving, too?
I haff 2 cat brofurs named "Toot", and "Sox". Toot haff a ringtail, and mostly white.
Sox iz a gray & brown tabbez. Toot iz a Tomcat wannabee. "Maggie" iz my cat sisfur, and iz all black. She iz scardee cat fur sure.
Sox [shown on right] iz da youngest, and I iz trying to teach him sum gross and disgustin habbitz, like throw hissy fits when meowmie tries ta pick him up, and to belch after he eatz da catnip.
Maggie iz da next ta de youngest, and I has taught her tew bee most unladylike, and tew cough up hairballz. She kin cough up sum beautiez sum times. I especially luv it when she duz it under da kitchen tablez.
Toot iz da "urinator" (not tew bee confuzed wid Terminator) He leevez quite an impression on various objectz en da house, but hiz favorite place iz da butterfly bush outside.
Last, but not least, I haz a sheltie doggie brufur. He pretty dum, and I git him ta dew all kinds of tings to git him in trubble. I waz da one who suggested he chew up meowmies $80.00 sandals, and daddy's belt. He pretty much dew what I tell him tew dew. He a glutton fur punishment. Meowmie tinks dat I am jus washing his ears, butt I am really gibbing him instructions on more bad tings tew dew. He really iz n air head.
The Wicked Twins:
That's a lot of responsibility. Tell us, is physical fitness training part of your day?
Meow Haw!! Dats de troof!! Stretchin 'n balance beam werk!!
The Wicked Twins:
You're a dedicated teacher of bad waze, all right. What's the grossest thing you've ever done?
My mostest grossest thing iz when I try tew get meowmies attention, and hit her in da nose wid me paw and breathe my bad breathis in her face.
My teeth haff been needing cleaning fur quite sum time, butt Meowmie cannot git me to da vet widdout a rukkus. I haff torn up pillow case dat she tried ta put me in, broke da zipper on a carrying bag, and she can't gits me in a travel carrier, cuz I juss tew strong, and I haff sum pretty mean streak in myownself when I am pushed ober da edge.
She needs tew gib up, cuz my breath will always be dis way as long as I am smokin doze stoggies, and eating ice cream wid nips beer. (Ice cream beez me own faborite foodz)
My meowmie said dat I am an "ILL A$$", cuz I iz sew moody, butt dat iz becuz I am always tired frum staying out late at Paddy's Pub, and ivoiding gurlz. I can't say how many nips beers I drink, butt it must be a lot cuz I haff a beer belly ta prove it. Mew Haw!!
Well, better gits my catnappin in. I haff a date wid Paddys Pub later tonite after meowmie and Daddy goes tew bed.
The Wicked Twins:
Fangu fur taking the time to tell us about yewrownseff. We Twins especially take heed of your breath advice -mewhaha-
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