keeping kewl wif tomzrule® tekneekz

The gross and disgusting memfurs of tomzrule® privut boyz klubb have a lot of ways to keep cool that they want to share with you (some involving their sisfurs). Apply these suggestions to your life and enjoy the delighted reactions of your furmily as they view you with new respect. And wariness.

Amos and Andy

Those clever boyz, Amos and Andy, mew, "We wantz to show evfuryone how we keepz cool in dis sweltfurinz heat."

Biggie Fries

"Dis be me when I were a babicat. Meowmie sed sumfin about 'dishes in da sink' and I tink she say 'fishes in da sink' so I jumped in!" explains Biggie Fries.

"Dat's Cookie on da counter."

Rub a dub dub

Cattorney-at-Law Sammey sent this with the comment, "Dese kiteys iz frrrens ov mine, an dey is taikin a baff too git kool."

Moke's fountain
Moke has an elephant fountain about which he repurrts, "Here is my drinking purrlace. It is an elephant fountain in my screen room and the watfur comes out the elephants trunk. Meowmie doesn't have a picfur of me drinking as efurrytime I see her I like to rub and bite her ankles so it is hard fur her to get a pictfur of me.

As mew know I am a fine horticulturist. I make sure I drink purrlenty of watfur from the fountain befur I start my chores. When we have guests I like to take care of the plants close to where they are sitting in the screen room. I make sure that I watfur and furtilize them in front of the guests so they know that I am doing my job. "


Moke also sent us this pikfur of Troubie which he says shows her "drinking watfur her fafurite way."

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Backgrounds by Marie.
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