In the Spotlight
by Nosey Parker

NP infurvuin

This month the spotlight focuses on a gurl who isn't afraid to be around us macho tomz. Why should she purrtend to be timid? This gurl knows what she wants and how to get it.

I'm mewing, of coarse, of Sabrina Da Beastie, Leader of duh Pack, Founder of Desfurrados Biker Kitties Club, duh sisfur of Elvis and Sir Bashalot (aka Bash or Bashful) and wife of Jasper Jax de Slayer of Mousies (aka JJ).

Nosey Parker:

Tanks fur agreeing to dis infurvu, Sabrina da Beastie. Furst, dew yew purrfur to beez addressed as Sabrina, Sabrina da Beastie, Beastie, or as Leader of the Pack?

Sabrina Da Beastie:

Sabrina Da Beastie on her Harley Thanks for asking me to interview for this all male club. This is an honor of sorts, girls rule though MOL

I am called Beastie at home. I earned my nickname MOL You can call me either Beastie or Sabrina as I answer to both.

Nosey Parker:

tomzrule® privut klubb fur boyz is offun critisized fur enkouraging bad behaffur, but reely it gives tomz a saffe playce too go wheneffur dey wants too beez gross and disgusting.

Duz duh idear repel yew? Iz yew annoyed dat yewr beluffed husband JJ iz won of hour most notorious memfurs?

Sabrina Da Beastie:

Heck no, it doesn't bother me. My brothers, Elvis and Bash are members. Poor Bash ends up designated driver a lot of times.

I trust my husband Jasper Jax de Slayer of Mousies. He just likes to unwind and have fun. I know he is being true to me. After all he hates it when I turn into the Beastie, as he knows with one swipe of my dainty paw, I could turn him into cat food   =^..^=

Nosey Parker:

NP memfurship card Mini gurlz are fussy abowt braking dere nailz or getting dere fur mussed up. Yet yewr klubb, Desfurrados, has a lot of badassed biker gurlz. In fact, it wuz my little peach blossom, Mama Yak Attak, who gifted me my Harley fur a wedwinking prezzunt and suggested we join Desfurrados.

I notice dat duh gurlz in duh klubb dont haf trubble keeping up duh speed and duh recklessness. Du yew think all gurlz haf a wild side?

Sabrina Da Beastie:

All girls have a wild side although some don't want to admit it. We try to act real ladylike in front of the toms so we get our own way.

The girls in my Desfurrados are all bad to the bone bikerbabes and love the feeling of the wind in our fur. We can drink and party all night just like you toms can. We can fix our own bikes, and as the saying goes, we only keep you toms around for decoration and because we luff you.

Nosey Parker:

When did yew get yewr furst bike? Haf yew ben arrested furry offun, or kan yew outspeed duh purrlice? Tell us all abowt why yew founded the 'net's only klubb fur Biker Kitties.

Sabrina Da Beastie:

I got my first bike a couple of years ago. It's the red one on the Desfurrados's logos. My human Aunt Patty and her husband restore Harleys, and she gave me that one for my own. She felt bad that Elvis was always getting the attention with his singing and touring and he had the limos, fast cars, jet, etc and I was kind of left out. She also knows I am a wild child just like she is.

I founded the Desfurrados when you toms started getting your own private clubs. The girls needed one where we could hang out and have fun and drink and get into the nips. Going on road trips and stuff without our toms wasn't going to be as much fun as we thought so I invited all kitties with Harleys to join.

MOL there is not a cop alive that can catch my dust. I've never been arrested and never will be!

Nosey Parker:

Yew haf brofurs who belong to tomzrule. Tells me, are dey trewly gross and disgusting at home? Watt haf dey done dat ovfur gurlz, more squeamish dan yew, wood konsider eggstremely repulsive? Is yew offended by dis, or duz it make yew purroud?

Sabrina Da Beastie:

Elvis and Bash are the best brothers and I luff them with all my furry heart BUT they can be soooo gross! I am not real proud of some of the things they do.

Bash looks at you with his mouth open and those vampire teeth hanging out when he is chewing his food. It's enough to make you want to barf. He also sniffs Angel's and my butt a lot when we walk by him. He has had the wrath of Beastie upon him for that one on more than one occassion!

OMG Elvis, where do I start with that boy! He just loves spicey human food. Kung Pow Chicken in particular. It makes him phart and he doesn't care where he is when he lets one go and is proud of the stink. Daddy says it smells like something crawled up there and died! He begs at the table like a d*g. Soooo degrading for a kitty to do that.

Elvis and girls are something else. He is a kitty chick magnet. He collects panties and other clothes from the girls when they throw them on stage when he performs. He used to live by the rule, why marry and make one girl happy when you can make thousands happy. All that changed though with Sylvesta. He adored his late wife and still does. She was his heart and the only one that could tame that tom.

He sits on the deck and a neighbor cat that looks something like him who comes over and they talk. I mean ELVIS TALKS....he always says helllooo to the other one. How gross is that to talk human!

Nosey Parker:

I missed duh Mardi Gras rally purrparing fur duh Paddy's Day Drink-Off here at tomzrule. JJ drank eggsessively on Paddy's Day; is it becuz he purracticed a lott during Mardi Gras? Can he drink a lott mower nipzbeer than yew can?

Sabrina Da Beastie:

Yeah, JJ was practicing for the Paddy's Day Drink-Off. My wonderful hubby can drink most any of you under the table except my cousin Cary. SHE is one beer drinking, football loving, in your face girl! She would challenge any tom to a drinking contest and win. I am real proud of that girl.

I don't drink much myself, I like eating the tuna and pounce treats better.

Nosey Parker:

NP and MYA in Mickey ears Duh Disney World rally was lodds of reckless fun. I wuz disappointed dough too discover that Mickey isnt a trew mouse -- I planned to bite him. Are yew planning anuffer rally soon dat tomzrule memfurs would enjoy?

Sabrina Da Beastie:

The Desfurrados will be going on another road trip at the first of the year. Right now, we are all busy with my cousin Cary and Dumpy's wedwink which is November 9th at the football hall of fame.

We have a few places in mind. A lot of the bikers like race cars so we may hit a track. Some want to go to the mountains. We are still deciding. Elvis lets us use his jet so we can actually go anywhere in the world with our bikes.

Nosey Parker:

Since dere will beez oppurtoonities to beez gross and disgusting, badassed biker tomz, wood yew tellz our memfurz how dey can alsew become memfurs of Desfurrados?

Sabrina Da Beastie:

Just go to the Desfurrado's site and if you agree to the rules, click on the sample membership card to apply to join. You have to have your own bike though.

Cary will take on all challenges for drinking so beware MOL

Nosey Parker:

Tanks fur tawking wif me abowt yewr gross and disgusting brofurs, yewr chugalugging husband, and yewr klubb fur badassed biker kitties. Watt a cattitude yew haf!

Wellz, JJ and Mama Yak Attak are waiting fur us. Wattdaya say we git own our bikes and roar arown fur a while?

Beastie and JJ on Harley
NP and MYA on Harleys

Related sites:
Desfurrados - memfurship and previous rallies. Easter game still open, too.
Sabrina's Cat House (proud Countess of CLAW) and her
wedwinking to JJ in Scotland.
JJ's Stag Party at the Krazy Kat Club in Las Vegas.
JJ's page at De Witch & De Kidz.

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Backgrounds from Bitsy's Boutique.
Nosey Parker's casual attire and bike from his wedwink, Mama Yak Attak of Mrraoworks.