Mewsings from the office of the Wicked Twins. Taliesin (left) and Dwnn (right)

The Wicked Twins Taliesin: -mewhaha- I'm having so many laughs that the Rescue Ranch Boyz have a meowmie who declares the catputer area to be a "NO CATS ZONE"! O, my sides ache from laughing at that silly notion!

Dwnn: I have no doubt that ::Zeus:: will turn out badly. After all, he has many brofurs to set him furry bad examples.

Perhaps this is a good time to compile a list of things every kitten should learn to do so that he can reach his full potential fur gross and disgusting behavior. A syllabus fur badness, one might mew.

Taliesin: We asked the tomz on the Brofur Clubs bulletin board fur ideas. They came up with several shocking suggestions. Any tom who does all these things certainly will earn a reputation as Bad to the Bone!

Indy: Donut furget da closet and cloze climbing. Or jumping up on tops of hangers and nokking cloze to da floor. Also, tich him to keep on da lookowt fur places to go dat he knot surposed to. Sometimes da hoomans furget to latch or lock somefing.

Zeus enjoying the no cats zone Fernando: Da ::Zeus:: kidd already tryin to getts behind da washer n dryer and da refridgeralization box so meowmie busy boardin dos things up. He beez a funny guy and boy kan he ever runrunrun fast!

E.T.: How is he on da "pounce an step all ofur meowmie at 3am" routine? Or eatin real fast an barfin in her shoe? Yeah, we gotta make sure he's learning all da rite stuff.

Scooter: He has nice long furs, so I would go with the Chocolate Kiss. He could modify that by having a well-hidden "bomb" in his furs, and just sit on all the tabletops, etc., leaving a trail of "kisses" behind him.

Twins: Great ideas! We Twins think tomz should learn how to push their hoomin beans's watches and other jewellry onto the floor and under the bathmat so that they step on it.

Valuable Links

Bird bath Enjoy watching birds? Indoor cats and their furmilies can contribute to science by observing and recording birds at their feeders. The annual Project FeederWatch sponsored by Cornell Lab of Ornithology depends on volunteers to help monitor birds around the US. Amateurs have made important contributions by reporting diseases, for example.

Site also has information about birds and feeding.

The National Audubon Society has been holding a Christmas Bird Count for over a century. Meowmie says she finds it "exhausting but exhilarating"(she hasn't been participating quite the whole time). Sorry ... kitties aren't allowed to come along.

Read other Mewsings columns of The Wicked Twins.

The Wicked Twins go about their daily routine

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Title graphic by Auntie Lois of BFCC.