Every May, Meowmie takes some of her houseplants to our front porch to spend the summer. After taking them out with our plant bench to replace them on, she pushes back the tin top table from the center of the porch to one of the windows where I get a great view of all of the bird activity. I like sitting on the tin top table.
Meowmie keeps a small spider plant on it for Shirley to nibble on. Meowmie keeps the hanging houseplants on the sunporch so that we can still enjoy them from afar. One good thing about the hanging houseplants is the fact that Shirley has not been able to chew on them.
The African violets and the Christmas Cactus stay on the sunporch too. Shirley also likes to nibble on African violets. Meowmie had received one of the African violets as a gift from Deowdie on Valentine's Day. Shirley chewed all of the violets and just left the leaves. Enclosed is a picture of Shirley with the Spider plants. Shirley likes to sit in houseplants too.
Purrs, McGee
Other Gourmet Gardener kolumns.
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Related Resources:
Plants Poisonous to Cats from The Cat Fanciers' Association
Animal Poison Control Center
Cornell University
Feline Health Center
US FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine - drugs & food additives
|Caterwaul Chronicle Front page|
|Paddy's Pub|
Backgrounds from Backgrounds by Marie.
Other graphics from Julie Knight's Herbs for Health site at About.com.