McGee believes that evfurry kitty can be a Gourmet Gardener and is willing to show the way
McGee, the Master Gardener

These are safe plants for cats:  Non-Toxic Plants and Your Cats.  Meowmie checked out what house plants are safe for cats.

Shirley among the spider plants The African Violet and the Spider Plant are two of the several safe plants for the gourmet cat to nibble on. Shirley likes to nibble on them.

Meowmie has several Spider plants on our sunporch. Some are hanging and some are sitting.

African violet Spider plants grow best with bright indirect light. Spider plants should dry out briefly between watering. A general-purpose potting soil is suitable for spider plants. Temperatures between 65 and 75° during the day and 50 to 55 °F at night are ideal for them.

My sister Sophie and I are not interested in nibbling on houseplants. We prefer our catnip toys instead.

These are not safe plants for cats:   Plants Poisonous to Cats.

Meowmie was surprised to find two of her houseplants, geraniums and cyclamen are not safe. I wonder why Shirley did not get sick on the geranium plants that she nibbled on this past winter. She must have a strong stomach!

Meowmie has moved these plants onto the front porch. I hope that stray cats will not touch them.

Purrs, McGee

Other Gourmet Gardener kolumns.

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McGee's Web Page

Related Resources:

Plants Poisonous to Cats from The Cat Fanciers' Association
Non-Toxic Plants and Your Cats from The Cat Fanciers' Association
ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center
Cornell University Feline Health Center
US FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine - drugs & food additives

Hummingbird and flowers

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