The klubb's seniorcat turns nineteen this month (September 2002), and memfurs join KitKat at Paddy's Pub to celebrate his tom cattitude. Nosey Parker brings you an exclusive interview with KitKat about his long life and many misdeeds -- including a special sisfur welcome that his furmily never forgot.
Nosey Parker:
Itza real plezure to infurvu such a distinguished eldercat. Yew've had many years running yewr household, and I know yew must have many tips to share. Furst, how old were yew when yew found yewr purrents and what were the circumstances?
I was at the humane society jail in 1983 at only about 8 weeks old for a crime I did not commit. Mom/dad got me out, I was mom's early birthday gift.
I been with mom/dad all but the first couple months they been married. I am responsible for holding their marriage together all these years. They
also sprang my brofur few months later (Baby, 12, passed in 95) And my sisfur a year later (Blue Angel, 15 1/2, passed in 2000).
Nosey Parker:
Yew and yewr furmily were lucky to find each ovfur. Ize glad fur yew. Tell me, do yew sleep on the bed with the humans? Share their fude? Make them move if they sit on yewr favorite chair?
Yes, I sleep in bed with them. I try my best to sleep in a way to make them the most uncomfortable. That's impurrtant!
No, I don't share their fude. I steal their fude or just take it. What are they going to do about it?
I don't make them move off furniture, but when they get up for some reason, I
swipe the chair. The beauty of this is that it's pre-warmed.
Nosey Parker:
Yew make sum furry good points, KitKat. Do yew haf any tips about hiding? Fur example, what's yewr favorite hiding place?
I really don't have a favorite hiding spot. But sometimes I like to freak my
humans out. I pick a black or very dark spot. In their panic of looking for me they can't see me since I have all black fur. This is very amusing.
Nosey Parker:
MOL MOL - it shure is amusing. Too bad I'm not a black cat.
We all know yewr a trew tom, and we all haf a lot of fun carousing wif yew. Tell us, what's the most gross, disgusting, and offensive thing yew have done and of which yew are most tom-proud?
Oh, there are so many but two come to mind. When I was about a year or so old mom/dad decided to get my brofur & I a sisfur. She was a tiny 6 week kitten (Blue Angel). Well, I was in the litterbox during my business, she walked in,
underneath me between my legs just as I was taking a dump! Yes! I conked her on the head with my turd! Hee-hee-heee, it still makes me proud.
Another thing is every single time I go to the v*t I poop/pee in the carrier, this is my revenge. One time I pooped on the way in, the v*t helper cleaned it but only put very small amt of paper in the carrier. Well I peed on way home, when I got home I flew out of the carrier before my humans could
catch me. I ran through the house with pee-soak paws!
Nosey Parker:
Oh, grate idears and I know that many cats will want to try them.
Yew haf a much younger brofur who yew haf been training in tom cattitude. How well is your brofur Omar learning to be a trew tom? What wicked thing has he done as a result of yewr training?
Omar is young (almost 2?) & a quick learner. One of the things he's done is put Sabrina in her place. I told him what she used to do to me. And he dose it to her. I am proud of him plus Sabrina rarely torments me since Omar moved in.
I've lived with Sabrina since '96. She doesn't like to be called 'former feral', she's feral & has such a cattitude. Omar has lived here with me slightly over a year. He was a stray mom/dad fed who got very ill & spent 6 days at the v*ts. Omar is a true rags to riches tom, very proud of him.
Nosey Parker:
Now that yew've reached senior years, what's yewr favorite napping place? And yewr favorite fude?
People fude, hmmm, it would be sliced deli turkey. Cat food; Salmon can fude. I like all canned fude. I can't eat hardly any dry food, I've had bad gums since I was 4, Take meds & fairly reg. dental cleaning or tooth pulling.
During day, my fave napping place is in my screened-in sunroom. At night in bed with my humans.
Nosey Parker:
What advice do you wish to share with other tomz?
Never forget that being cats we are the supiour spieces --
more so for us tomz. Don't take any nonsense of what cats are
suppose to be or act from rif-raf like humans or even girl
Nosey Parker:
Dis has been a furry interesting infurvu, and I know that all tomz are inspired by yewr example. Tank yew!
Now I haf a surprise, KitKat. Yewr furriends haf a birfday pardy fur yew at Paddy's Pub. All the arrangements were made by tomzrule® senior cats especially fur yew!
Happy 19th!!
Sew gather all yewr pals and click on ovfur to yewr Paddy's Pub Pardy!!!
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