Bentley's purrsentation remarks: "Dis tom beez bad as any tom can beez. Juss lissen to watt he mew bowt hisownseff:"
I hjab been postin pichers of my tomness awl ofur da infurnet, an' pushin my sisfur Cookie's face out of her din-din bole so I cud eat her fud. An' I runnin down my 7 pound furmeowmie on da way to da kitchen to make sure I get da bestest spot in da line of din-din boles. An' I been puttin a bigg ole stinkpoo in da bocks and den runnin aweigh wiffout cofurin up, I so bad dat I gonna haffs to hide from da fedral agents neckst weak when dey come get my meowmie's statement (my own Agency badge notwiffstanding, of corse).
I started out juss tuchin my meowmie's fase, butt dat weren't gud enuff, her wud juss role ofur. Den I started skwatchin her fase, dat juss got me pushed off da bed. Da furst time I skwatched her lip it were a aksident, but when I seed how effectiff it were, I added it to my reppertwah!
I wudn't haff to do it if her weren't tryin to starf me to deaf. Fur some reason her fink I otter way 19 pounds, knot 25. Hmmppfffttt.
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Wicked Twins interview Biggie Fries.
Biggie's web page.
Meet All Bad to the Bone Award winners.
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Bad to the Bone award graphic created by Auntie Candy, Meowmie
of tomzrule® memfurs Jasper Jax and Magick, of
De Witch & De Kidz.
Backgrounds from Bitsy's Boutique.