When Bad to the Bone Bentley says you're bad ... you are furry bad indeed!  So when Ben names a tom as winner of the Bentley Marlowe Bad to the Bone Award, evfurrone pays attention.

Bentley's purrsentation remarks:  "Dere meowmie once opened the refrigerator door to find Dwnn inside eating the salmon mousse she'd prepared for her dinner guests. Taliesin once waked her by dropping a live mouse on her in the middle of the night. She's never discovered which one pooped on the bed while she was sleeping on it.

These 'Old Farts' have 18 yeerz of ebill deeds so it beez impurrsible to choose just wun. Fur instance, they revealed how they earned their names at only eight weeks old in an infurvu wif Freya and bragged of ovfur bad tings dey have dun. There's also the amusing trick they described in their winning entry in the klubb's 'Shocking duh Guests' cattest.

"Separately and as a team these littermates are wicked, and I'm purroud to give them this award for their Lifetime Achievements."

The Bentley Marlowe Award Graphic

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Get more tips on how to be Bad to the Bone from this month's winners:
The Wicked Twins have their web home at Tao of Meow
Chinese horoscopes, meditations, and philosophy.

Meet All Bad to the Bone Award winners.

Be sure to visit the Guru:

Bentley Marlowe's web home

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Bad to the Bone award graphic created by Auntie Candy, Meowmie
of tomzrule® memfurs Jasper Jax and Magick, of De Witch & De Kidz.
Backgrounds from Bitsy's Boutique.