When Bad to the Bone Bentley says you're bad ... you are furry bad indeed!  So when Ben names a tom as winner of the Bentley Marlowe Bad to the Bone Award, evfurrone pays attention.

Bentley's purrsentation remarks: 

Dis munff's award goes to Chuck Edwards, an Old Fart who shure desurffs it — he keeps catrol of a howsehole wif three persnicky sisfurs!

We always enjoy seeing him at Paddy's and heering his latest tricks. He follows in duh pawsteps of duh famous Sam da Man and is a wurthy successor who also devised many badness waze of his own!

The Bentley Marlowe Award Graphic

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Chuck's web page .

Meet All Bad to the Bone Award winners.

Be sure to visit the Guru:

Bentley Marlowe's web home

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Bad to the Bone award graphic created by Auntie Candy, Meowmie
of tomzrule® memfurs Jasper Jax and Magick, of De Witch & De Kidz.
Backgrounds from Bitsy's Boutique.