When Bad to the Bone Bentley says you're bad ... you are furry bad indeed!  So when Ben names a tom as winner of the Bentley Marlowe Bad to the Bone Award, evfurrone pays attention.

Bentley's purrsentation remarks:  "I iz furry purroud ub my BAAAD bud, Jordan, dis mumf he been sooo baaad, tearin' up bazeerz, he gettin' de BTTB ub de mumf award!

He haz spended a lot ub 'time out' in de corner fur badness!"

The Bentley Marlowe Award Graphic

Jordan tells the story:

I iz jess buzzyin' myown self round beezing da tomz dat I am and da offur dayz myown Mommy sayz to meez I iz a bad boy!! I onliest waz tryin' to hepz her.

Seez diz what happen--she waz washin' sum herown ragz to putz on and she dropped diz one ting dat luk like so many funz to play wif! Less seez I can 'splain. It a ting dat goez on top of herown body and holdz up sum fatty stuffz in da front--hee!mew!mew! Well, anywhooz I getz hold of it 'en on da strappy partz dere diz clasp ting or sumfin and luk like many fuz to chew so I sinkz myown teef into itz on one side ob it breakz off! Dat when she sayz I beez bad boy and she pick it up and put 'way!

Den diz morning on St. Pat's Day she getz up and ready fur wuk and putz dat silly ting on and it pinch her in da back cuz piece ob it off! She say 'gain I bad boy!! I notz knoz why cuz she fix it herown self wif a bandaid---LOL!!!

~     ~     ~

Meet other Bad to the Bone Award winners.

Get more tips on how to be Bad to the Bone from this month's winner:

The Wicked Twins infurvued Jordan. Learn more about Jordan's bad ways!   Jordan enjoys unauthorized exploration of his house and chasing sisfurs at Jordan's page.

Be sure to visit the Guru:

Bentley Marlowe's web home

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Bad to the Bone award graphic created by Auntie Candy, Meowmie
of tomzrule® memfurs Jasper Jax and Magick, of De Witch & De Kidz.
Backgrounds from Bitsy's Boutique.