Duh Background StoreeNosey Parker requested dat The Agency purrvide uh cattective to observe suspishus aktivity akross duh street from duh tomzrule klubbhouse. Agent Charlie wuz assigned duh dootie.He repurrted seeing a lodd of gurlz, innkluding Freya, Polly, Queen Bitsy, and PepperMille' playing someting dat mite haf bin intended to be miniature golf. He also repurrted that Chuck was hepping Freya wif duh holes.
Suddenlie duh gurlz beegan skreemin and runnin away. Agent Charlie followed dem as wuz his uhsinemint.
Meanwhile, Back at duh KlubhouseMemfurs were enjoyin uh plesunt varietee of despicable tomz activitiez when suddenlee dere wuz uh lowd sound of breaking glass. Dey hurried two fine out what had happent and diskovered dat a winder had bin broken.Immediatelee dey reelized dat dere cude be an introoder in duh klubb -- maybee sevrul introoders -- so dey quicklee ran to purrtect duh nipzbeer supply. To dere grate joy an happiness, it was safe and duh frig wuz fully stocked. Dey drank a few juss to beez shure. Chief Detective Pussnagel, of duh Kassel Kopz, was called to investfurgate dis krime and, after quaffing a few nipz brews, began his detection. He repurrted, "Hay guyz, I hav bin infestigatin da winda an foun da golff ball. I chekked fur fingerprintz but there wuz too menny ov them onnit to do enny gud. Will kepe on chekkin." Duh memfurs thot dis wuz a gude idear; dey joined Pussnagel fur a few more bottles of dere favrite bevvy.
Further DevaleupmintzFur sevrull daze, CD Pussnagel seekrutly observed duh klubbhouse from the purrivacy of a Krispy Kreme donut truck parked akross duh street. Den won day he observed an individual in a blue cap playce a note on duh doorstep of duh klubbhouse.
He brushed duh krumbs off his unifurm and dashed akross duh street, but could knot catch the messenger. "Like he just fell in a hole," duh dedikated offishur repurrted. He opened duh note, and redd dis message.
And Dere's Mower!Agent Charlie repurrtz dat he followed duh gurlz back to duh BFCC Lounge where he peeked in duh winder and observed a number of shocking tings. Yew will beez horrowfyed when yew seez dem, tomz!
A Few Daze LaderReesentlee, Nosey Parker repurrted sum shockin mews to duh memfurs on duh Brofur Clubs Meows bulletyn bored. "While I wuz at duh deli geddin sum pastrami samwitchez on rye wif juss a whispurr of mustard and wif lodds of nipz pickels, I saw Freya's golf cart parked outside duh fish store. Chuck wuz inside gettin lodds and lodds of fish - way, way too much fur Freya to eat (evfun if dat notorious glutton Bitsy came fur lunch) and Chuck, like ovfur groundhogs/gophers/woodchucks, is vegetarian. "So why all duh fish, I wonderz."
Duh Mystery KonkludezOne breezy morning Agent Charlie, still keepin uh watchful eye on duh gurlz, wuz outside duh klubbhouse when Chuck, driving Freya's purplety-pink golf cart, delivered 200 toonas to tomzrule. As yew recall, duh winder wuz broked while duh gurlz wuz haffing duh Ladies Open miniatoor goff akrost frume duh klubbhouse. Duh klubb's insurance payed fur duh damage except fur duh 200 toonas deductible. Dis wood beez a big eggspense and duh memfurs wuz afrayed dat dey wood haf to raze duh duez to kover duh expense! Tank goodness dey did knot haf to dew dat. Chuck haz bin scene in duh fish shop sevrull tymes ladely making purchases alldough woodchucks are vegetarianz. It iz burrleefed dat Freya cude knot afford tew pay fur duh damage earlier and dat she scent Chuck wif dat weird message tew ledd duh tomz know so dat dey wood knot haf tew raze dere dooes. But ovfurs say dat dey knew all uhlong dat Freya wuz duh "Ditsy Dame" mentioned in duh mysterious message. "She tryed tew sound all sinister," one tom sed, "but she iz two silly to sound sinister." All duh tomz agreed dat dey respek Freya mower now dat dey sea she kan dew duh rite ting, after all. Gurlz usually blame ovfurs fur watt dey brake as evfurry rongfullee blamed tom knowz. |
Klubbhouse, beer frig, golf ball, and note images courtesy Auntie Lois, secretary of the BFCC, sponsor of the BFCC Ladies Open, the inspiration for this adventure sequence.