In the Spotlight
by The Wicked Twins, Dwnn and Taliesin
As guest infurvuers, we are pleased to have the oppurrtunity to chat with one of the 'net's most notorious tomz. We refer of course to Biggie Fries. Fude-lover and fun-lover, this tom enjoys every minute of his gross and disgusting life as he brings madness and mayhem to his world.
With awards attesting to his many skills and interests, Biggie is never too busy to sip a nipz and chat about what makes life so fascinating to him. We infurvued him recently at Paddy's Pub.
The Wicked Twins:
You have had many names in your short life (being born July 26, 1999). Does this mean that you are on the run from Interpol because you are such a gross and disgusting tom?
What are the names you've had and why were they given you? Which do you prefur?
Biggie Fries:
I fink I like Biggie Fries da bestess cuz dat make all my budz laff when dey here it. Mose ob my names be giffed tew me cuz my meomwie haffs such a twisted since ob humer. Rite now she mosly call me Wiggie. Sheesh. Or eben Wig. You knoe, furst Biggie Wiggie, den shorter, den shorter. But when you ways 21 pounds and yore hoomin brofur hadded da foresite tew name you BIG Mac when you wuz a meer tree days ole, ennyting wiff BIG in it become yore nickname. Big, Biggie, Mr. Big Stuff. Or Tubby, like Tubby Two-Tone, since I beez a two-tone kitty. Den dere Mike Tyson, which I get called cuz eben dough I huge I haff a sqeeky liddle meow, and I knot da sharpess nife in da drore. But sew far I donut haff a tatu on my fase.
Now as fur as Interpol goes, I cud tells you dat, but den I wud haff tew keel you, and I donut wanna dew dat tew my budz.
The Wicked Twins:
You are one of the brave tomz who patrol the woods around the klubbhouse as part of your duties as a memfur of Da Agency. You've been given a medal for bravery. Was it because of the Woods Patrol or some other feat?
Biggie Fries:
It were for da Woods Patrol. I hadded tew dress up as a bush, and dawgs were peein on me, kitties were sharpnin deys clawz on me, but I stayed in diskize da hole time wiffout giffin mywonsef away, not oncet hissin or gettin a fat tail. Oncet my eerz goed flat but lucky da wind were blowin juss den.
The Wicked Twins:
Tell us about your purrticipation in The Mews Brofurs, Da Agency's band. Do Cookie and Peaches object to your purracticing? Do you find that you enjoy activities more when you know they annoy the gurlz?
Biggie Fries:
Yeah, dey get on da gurlz noozegrupes and say dat I tink I hot you-knoe-watt cuz I purrlay rhyfm gittar in da Mews Brofurs Band. Dey cufur deys eers but I knoe it's cuz my moosick beez so booful it wud make dem cry if dey heered it. You knoe, dem inferior gurleerz cain't handle rill moosick.
Nuffin worf dewin less it annoise da gurlz, cuz if dey ain't annoyd dat mean I knot bean tomly nuff.
The Wicked Twins:
Cookie's behavior as documented on the Wall of Shame has created a lot of comment. Are you
empurrassed to have a sisfur who acts in such an unladylike manner? She seems to be furry greedy.
I know the femalez in your house like to hog your favorite window as this this pikfur. Tell us, does Cookie ever steal your fude?
Biggie Fries:
Well, she donut empurrass me, she empurrass herownsef! MOL! I purrty lucky in dat she sew gurly weerd dat she donut like toona, turkeymeat, ham, Wisker Likkins, and all dat stuff. But by golly she kin hawg dat fud bole! You kin tell dat by how fat she beez! I ketch site ob her waddlin intew da kitchen and I haff tew hurry and heave mysef up furrom my nap tew beet her in dere, or dere wud be nuffin leff fur me! Sumtimez, fur gud meshure, I giff her a gud hiss on day way past her.
The Wicked Twins:
You and Taliesin have something unusual in common. Each of you has won an award for a Thanksgiving side dish in the FIF recipe cattest. Taliesin won in 2001, and you won in 2002. Both recipes are for cranberry sauce, and they are furry different.
Do you enjoy helping your meowmie cook? Do you ever eat turkeymeat *without* cranberry sauce? Do you have a special recipe for St. Catrick's Day, or do you plan to spend it eating pizza at Paddy's?
Biggie Fries:
I luffs heppin my meowmie cuk, cuz she a sloppy cuk and I get da stuffs dat flie aroun! *plop* Liddle peece ob budder on da flore, it mine! *fwooop* Liddle peece ob chikkin on da flore, it mine! Turkeymeat beez bess wiffout all dat red soss on it.
Aldough I plan on spennin St. Cat's day at Paddy's, no sef-respecktin Manx kitty (ob which I am part) wud NOT haff a St. Cat's day resippy, and here da onliest one dat worf ritin down: take sum nipzbeer, and sum green fud cullerin, and micks dem tewgefur. Dere. Irish nipzbeer.
The Wicked Twins:
Where do you live? How did you come to live with your furmily?
Are you the only tom? Do your sisfurs recognize your tomz purrogatives? Do you ever chase or whack them?
Biggie Fries:
I liff in Tecksis, juss outside ob Fort Worf. My furmeowmie, Peaches, were a homeless unwed mofur-tew-be when my hoomin meowmie seed her on da futbridge outside her partment dore. She say "hear, kitty kitty kitty" and Peaches, bean da smart kitty she beez (I hope her donut reed dis and see me admittin dat) say "okay, now, how bout I go under dat bed and giff birf?" She hadded tree kitties, me and my tew stinky sisfurs, fatso Cookie and spazzy Pepper. Sew yes, I iz da onliest tom. I dew wack dem tew keep dem in deys purrlace. I speshully like tew wack Cookie cuz when she hiss she soun like a ole man blowin hiz noze and dat make me laff sew menny! Heehehehehehee!
Bean my mose gwoss and diskustin sef, wen I purrlay in my meomwie's puter chare, I display my "pakij" fur da hole werld tew see. Dat reminez dem who's da tom!
The Wicked Twins:
Your meowmie has probably seen the pikfur of BB brushing his teeth on
The Kitchen bulletin board.
Does she try to brush your teeth? Do you think brushing destroys a tomz's macho image?
Biggie Fries:
My moewmie knoe bedder dan tew try and brush my teefs. Brushin teefs beez tew much like primpin and preenin, and tomz donut primp and preen. Nuff sed.
The Wicked Twins:
Do you have any special philosophy of life or a quotation that best expresses your tomitude toward life, the universe, and everything that you are willing to share with our reeders?
Biggie Fries:
I tink my filosofee beez: donut take nuffin tew seriously (cept maybe yore fud, yore nipz, yore toyz and yore bed). When sumfin get you down, juss rememfur - it no biggie. Teehehehehehhee! I say no Biggie!
The Wicked Twins:
Thank you fur purrmitting us to infurvu you, Biggie. See you on the
Brofur Clubs Meows bulletin board!